Part Three: Operation Heavy Metal

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"Ca'ad's death was just so... sudden. I knew he might not makeit to the shuttle for surgery, but he just... died. Right there, inmy arms.

I can't begin to describe how I felt in that moment when Irealized it was too late, that... I couldn't save him. It was justtoo... tumultuous.

Do I have to go on with this shabla debriefing? I'm — I'msorry, General, but I just lost a pod brother."

Ka'rta, during his debriefing after the Death Watch mission

1300 hours, 480 days ABG, Arca Company Barracks briefing room

"I'm sure the three of you remember the gunship that crashed tryingto get to you on Geonosis a year and three months ago," Jusikbegan. "That kind of accident isn't something you forget easily."

"We remember, all right," said Ajax. He hadn't been able to somuch as smile since Ca'ad died. "But what's that got to dowith our next mission?"

"We've encountered a similar problem with several other gunshipsrecently."

"That's odd," commented Buckler, intrigued but still lookingdepressed. "It wasn't an isolated malfunction?"

"No. We've traced it back to a Separatist cell based out ofRothana."

"Rothana. As in Rothana Heavy Engineering?" Ka'rta lookedincredulous. "From that planet, they could sabotage all ourequipment. This could be a huge problem."

"That's why we're sending RCs. We need the best."

Ajax was staring at his feet. "We're still down a man, General,"he said, looking up. None of them wanted to emphasize the empty seatat the table, but Ajax had to.

"That's another reason we've brought you here. Come in, RC-9726."

A commando with freakishly white and shiny Katarn armor walked in,helmet under his left arm. He raised his right hand to his brow in asharp salute. "Sir!" he said.

It was pretty obvious to the real commandos in the room, from hisstrict sense of protocol, flash-learned accent, and unpainted armor,that twenty-six had been taken directly from the rank-and-file CTunits. Ajax just hoped he was as good of a sniper as Ca'ad had been.

Jusik gestured to the vacant chair. "At ease, commando. We're allfriends here."

The newest member of Phi Squad, though he was a member in name only,replied with a curt "Yes, sir!" and proceeded to theindicated chair.

"Tracker was at the top of his class in marksmanship. He passed theRC qualifier test with a score 30% higher than was needed toqualify," Jusik boasted.

"Can he hit a moving target two klicks out?" asked Buckler, withhis arms tightly crossed. No one could replace Ca'ad in his eyes,least of all a white job in Katarn armor.

"Well, RC-8233, I'm excited to test the full extent of mycapabilities," Tracker stated.

He doesn't have years of commando training under his belt, Bucklerthought. He will never be able to replace Ca'ad. I don't know whatHQ was thinking, assigning us a meat can.

"Well," Jusik continued, "now that you know the background forthe mission, here are the details." In the Force, the room was aconfused mess of resentment, anger, fear, and sadness. It wasstrange, though. Jusik didn't sense the Dark Side. Buckler especiallystood out, a real whirlpool of all of their emotions. Tracker felt...different. Jusik noted that. He was a mix of excitement, hesitation,and, chiefly, worry. Worry that he wouldn't be welcome, that hewouldn't fit in.

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