Part Seven: The Battle Continues

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"Order 66 was the single most terrifying moment of my life. I had promised the squad I was going to desert, but hunting Jedi would take top priority for us commandos if we stayed in. I was very conflicted, not knowing whether I should follow my orders or keep my word. Both were incredibly important to me. Still are."

Ajax, reminiscing on the sudden end of the Clone War in Ka'rta's audio journal

Six months later, 1,183 Days ABG, Kyrimorut, Mandalore

"Did you say Delta Squad?" Ajax asked the comlink in his hand. Onthe other end was Niner and Darman.

"That's right," replied Niner's voice. "Tracker went tothem as a replacement for Sev. There's still no news on him,by the way."

Ajax heaved a deep sigh. Then his mind turned to a more pragmaticquestion. "What's the Empire using you commandos for?" hewondered. "It's not like there's a war on, so no need for specops."

"We're hunting Jedi and deserters. I found your number on thelist, along with everyone else at Kyrimorut."

Ajax smiled ruefully. "Well, we all have our enemies, don't we?"

"Yes, we do," Niner answered. "I got to go. Squad's back.Talk to you later."

"K'oyacyi," Ajax said. It was a uniquely Mando way ofsaying "goodbye." It literally meant "keep yourself alive."

The comlink fizzled out. Ajax sighed deeply, not really knowing whatthe future would have in store. All he knew right then was that hecould use a really strong cup of caf. He didn't know why he was sotired all of a sudden. Then it struck him. Boredom. The wordperfectly described the way he felt. No more sudden missions from thetop. No more endless hordes of clankers. No more hunting enemies ofthe state. No more thrill of the hunt, of combat. There was nothingto do now. The others might have been doting on little Kad, but Ajaxhad never felt a paternal instinct. He had no idea what "love"meant.

Well, that wasn't entirely true. He loved his brothers deeply. That'swhy he could often be seen drawing designs for Kal's clonememorial.

Speaking of which, Ajax thought to himself, I shouldprobably go out there and re-measure the footprint. He startedwalking towards the front door of the Clan veh'yaim, theirhome in the middle of the northern Mandalorian forest. The trees werequite relaxing just to sit and stare at. Ajax let himself smileslightly, knowing their position was defensible.

Kal was standing next to the square he'd outlined in the mud monthsearlier. Ajax walked over to him.

"I think I've figured out a design that will maximize surfacearea for numbers and tallies, minimize materials needed, andgive the memorial a sacred feel," Ajax reported.

"Let's see," said Kal. He was eager to start building, but notbefore they had a fitting design.

Ajax pulled a folded sheet of flimsi from his belt. He'd neverliked designing on a hologram. It was too intangible. Using a pen andflimsi was much more reliable.

Since arriving at Kyrimorut six months prior, Ajax had forged somebeskar'gam for himself. So had the other two. He woreCa'ad's helmet from the Death Watch mission, forever making hisbrother a part of himself. The rest of his armor kept some blue andgrey colors, but added the sergeant's signature stripes of purple.

Kal took the flimsi, unfolding the blueprint. "This is simplybeautiful, Aj'ika."

Ajax blushed slightly at the affectionate name. "Thank you,Kal'buir."

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