Part Six: Long is the War

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"During the mission, we encountered a group of rebels, led bySaw and Steela Gerrera. They requested Republic support. I think theywould benefit from that support. Their tactics need refining, andtheir equipment upgrading, but I think this would be a move worthmaking. Of course, the final decision is yours, General."

Ajax, to General Arligan Zey, after the mission to Onderon

0600 Hours, 1070 Days ABG, Arca Company Barracks, Coruscant

This was the most critical hour of the entire war effort. The OuterRim Sieges were in full swing, Intelligence was hot on the trail ofGeneral Grievous, and it was felt by all that the end was near. Thefeeling was especially present in Jedi Master Arligan Zey.

Though the war was going well, Zey had some very bad news todeliver to Phi Squad. The Separatists had invaded Coruscant. When helooked out his office window, the Jedi could see more than a dozenCIS transports landing nearby. It seemed that not even the capital ofthe Republic was safe. The General tapped a button on his desk.

"General Zey to Phi Squad. Ajax, get your men down to my office atonce."

Ever since Jusik had left the Jedi Order, Zey had had to take overthe responsibility of briefing the clones. Zey didn't have anyidea how his Padawan had kept all those names straight.

A tired-sounding clone answered the call. "Yes, General. We're onour way now."

Zey tapped the button once more. "Niner?"

"Yes, General?" was the Omega Squad sergeant's prompt reply.

"I need you boys down here as well."

"Right away, sir."

Zey slumped back in his chair and activated a tactical hologram ofthe battle over his desk. It didn't look good. The Separatists weregaining ground in the residential sector, where heavy fighting wouldsurely hurt Galactic City's civilian population. The droids knewwhere to land so they would inflict the most damage. A carefulstrategy would be required in that sector, Zey mused.

Eight armored figures filed into the cramped office, four of them innearly identical black armor, the other four in purple, green,yellow, and grey. The black figures were interspersed through theprocession. All eight held their helmets identically under their leftarms.

Niner and Ajax sat down at the desk, the rest stood behind theirsergeants.

"What's the news, General?" Ajax wondered. "Why'd you call ushere?"

"The Separatists have arrived here. On Coruscant."

Familiar, concerned glances were exchanged through the room. Ka'rtawith Buckler, Buckler with Darman, Tracker with Corr, Corr with Atin,and Niner with Ajax.

"The Chancellor," blurted Corr. "Is he safe?"

"The Coruscant Guard has been dispatched and he has been ordered tohis personal bunker."

"I hope he gets there," said Buckler, his stomach churning at thethought of going to rescue the Supreme Commander. "Save the GAR anightmarish headache."

"I hope so, too," agreed Zey, shifting the topic. "Now, then,to your orders. Omega, we need you to link up with Yayax Squadat Holonet News. You'll be defending the facility. Questions?"

The four clones in black armor shook their heads, in lesssynchronization than normal. They were noticeably worried.

"Good." The Jedi turned to Ajax. "Phi, your task is to hitGrievous's command ship. Take it out, and then you'll receivefurther orders."

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