Part Four: The Mission Comes First

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"You know, working with Phi Squad has been a fairly educationalexperience. I've learned how to speak some Mando'a, how tooperate a DC-17m quickly, and I've learned countless lessons incamaraderie.
Would I leave? What kind of
di'kut are you? They're my vode, mybrothers. I'd give up my life for theirs. Simple as that."

Tracker, during a debriefing a month after joining Phi Squad

1615 Hours, 547 Days ABG, RMSU 7, Drongar

Ajax stormed into the operating room. He didn't understand why theywere here on Drongar. Republic Commandos playing infantry. Thishadn't happened since Geonosis. But this time, it was worse thanGeonosis. Tracker had gotten a piece of shrapnel the size of his fistwedged into his upper thigh. It was one of very few vulnerable pointsin Katarn armor. But Ajax wasn't angry because Tracker had gottenhurt. He was angry because this wasn't how special operations troopswere supposed to be deployed.

A nurse rushed out in front of the armored commando. "You haven'tbeen sterilized. You can't come in here. You'll have to go backinto the waiting room." She noticed him staring at Tracker. "We'llpatch him up. He'll be okay. I promise."

Ajax begrudgingly turned towards the door and stalked out. When he'dreached the other side, he pulled off his helmet and threw it againstthe wall in a fit of anger. Ka'rta and Buckler were sitting on abench looking very worried. None of them could stand to lose anotherbrother less than a year after Ca'ad.

"Well?" asked Ka'rta.

Ajax waved him off. "They're doing all they can. One of the nursespromised me he'd be okay. For whatever that's worth."

"Do you want to hit the cantina?" Buckler suggested.

"Headed there now," Ajax confirmed. "Let's move."

The three proceeded to the cantina through the muggy swamp air. Itreeked of mold and bota. Once they got to the air conditioneddrinking hole, they went directly to the dark, empty table in thecorner. They were the first people brave enough to sit there formonths. After a couple minutes, the bartender droid came over andasked for their orders. Ajax ordered a round of tihaar. Thefiery Mando liquor was the only thing that could match Ajax'sfire-brewed rage.

Hours passed, with Phi Squad ordering round after round. Severalshifts of surgeons came and went before they heard any news ofTracker. It was noon the next day when the news finally came, from aparticularly tired-looking doctor who staggered over to their table.

"You're Phi Squad, aren't you?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah. Wha' 'bout it?" Ajax was slurring his speech.

"RC-9726. He's okay," the doctor declared, heaving a tired sigh.

Ka'rta hadn't touched most of his drinks. He was the only one evenclose to sober. "Good to know. I'll help these two sober up."

The doctor chuckled. "I need to get some sleep. That was a toughnight. Your brother gave us some scares there."

"Thanks for the news," Ka'rta said, slinging one of Buckler'sarms over his shoulder. "You deserve forty winks."

"Thanks," the doctor replied. He left the cantina, presumably forhis quarters.

"Come on, Ajax. We're headed for our quarters," Ka'rta entreated.

"Oh-ay," Ajax slurred, slumping out of his chair.

Ka'rta carried Buckler over his shoulder back to their tent. Hethen laid his two comrades on their beds to sleep. While they wereresting, Ka'rta went over to the post-op room where Tracker waslaying, in his dark red fatigues. He was awake.

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