Chapter 1

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Your POV

I woke up to a phone call. "Get up!" You hear a tired voice say. "Whyyyy" you respond. "Its our first today, and i want to walk to UA with you" you hear. "Shinso, am i really gonna walk you to UA and the whole time your gonna brag about getting in" i ask. "Y/n, y/n, y/n, you could have gotten in but nooooo you wanted to go to kurasuno" he said. "I'm gonna get ready come pick me up in 10 minutes" i say. "Ok" he said. You hang up the phone and groan. 'I cant believe my bestfriend from kindergarten in going to be in a tv show and is going to the number 1 hero school' you thought getting dressed. You put on your uniform.

You brush your hair a little. It still looked bad but you didn't mind. You grab your stuff when you hear a knock at the door. You open the door. "HEY SHINSO" you yell. "Not so loud kitty cat" he says. Your quirk was cat, you had abilities that a cat would. Your dad was tiger from the pussy cats the pro hero team. You also had extreme strength when you wanted.  "Sorry, why are you here so early we have an hour before school starts and UA is only 5 minutes from here" you ask. "I know i know its just. I wanna talk a bit before we go to different high schools" he says. You nod and both walk to UA. We find a bench and sit on it. 

"Now shinso lets meet here after school Kay" you say. He nods. "I want you to make different friends" i say softly. He looks down. "I know its always just been you and me but.... if you dont make other friends then... i wont meet anyone that's not from my school" i say. He looks at me annoyed. "Fine but only because its you kitty cat" he says chuckling. "First off stop calling mr kitty cat. Secondly- be yourself. Its better to be you then someone else" you say touching his fluffy hair. "Third of all" shinso said. "I'm gonna fix your hair really fast" he says. You drop your head. You hand him a brush and hair ties. He braids you hair in two braids. "Alrighty tightly, shinso i gotta go, but meet me here ok" you say grabbing your bag. "Ok kitty cat, and maybe not say alrighty tightly anymore" shinso said. you frown. "Ok, bye cya after school" you say walking away.

Shinso POV

I watch her walk away and smile. It goes away when i enter the school. People are meeting other people already. I always was anti-social, but i felt like y/n was always an exception. She would always stand up for me in kindergarten. I always said thank you after. One day she just stayed next to me. We talked and played. Its always been just us... i sat down in the back of my class alone. People kept walking up to me saying hi. I ignored them. I rembered what y/n said. I sigh. "Why does she always get to me" i mumble. 

It was finally lunch so i thought i would make friends. They were recording everything for this tv show called 'my hero academia'. People even agreed to let camera men follow them to their house. I agreed but only once. This silver haired boy sat next to me. "I'm tetsutetsu tetsutetsu" he said. "Hitoshi shinso" i say bored. "You ignored me earlier" he said. "I sit in front of you. I heard you mutter something about a girl" he said. My eyes widened a bit then relaxed. "That got a reaction" tetsutetsu said.

I rolled my eyes and got up. I felt a camera watching the whole time. I knew they were gonna follow because, the anti social boy has a girl in his life. "Fucking tetsutetsu" i mumble. I sit in my seat until class started. I got extremely bored. They just went over shit i already knew. The bell finally rang and tetsutetsu followed out of the class. "Wanna walk home together" he asked. "No" i say. "You know I haven't seen you smile at all yet" he says. "What's your name again" i ask. "Tetsutet-" he said. "Stand there for 30 seconds then get out of the trance" i say. I speed walk outside.

Your POV- beggining of school

I left shinso. "I hope hes gonna be ok. I play with the braids a bit as i get to school. I had 30 minutes before class started. I walk up to this gloomy boy. He had burn marks and had black hair. I walk up to him. "Hi I'm, y/n chatora" you say. "Dabi" he says. "You remind me of my best friend" i say. "Is he gloomy and anti social." Dabi asked. "Yup" i say smiling. "We better get to class what class are you in" he asked. "1-A" i say. "Me too, come on lets go" he says. "Are we friends" i ask. "Sure... I'm not friends with a lot of people but you give off an aura, it's comforting" he says.

"That's nice of you to say" i exclaim. We walk in the class and sit with  each other. I introduced my self to a lot of people. Dabi kept quiet. Everyone noticed my last name. "Wow! Tigers your dad" someone said. I nod. The end of the day bell rings and me and dabi said bye. I walk to the bench and sit. Waiting from shinso. "Excuse me, your not wearing this schools uniform. Why are you here" a guy said. "I'm waiting for my best friend" i say smiling. "Excuse my friends behavior, hes just a bit uptight" a guy says from behind him. "I'm izuku midorya" the guy said. "I'm  tenya iida and sorry for jumping to conclusions". "I'm y/n chatora" i say. "Oh your tigers daughter" izuku said. 

"Yea. I would have gone to UA, but i knew i had a better chance getting into karsuno" i say. "Well that's still good its the number 2 school" tenya said. "We gotta go, cya later y/n" deku said. I wave bye. All of the sudden before they left i felt someone grab my shoulder. I look and see shinso glaring at them. "Shinso what took you so long" i ask. Deku and iida leave. "Sorry this idiot wouldn't stop following me" he said. I nod and i stand up "wanna race to the beginning of our street" i ask. "Come onnnn, you know I'm bad at running" shinso said. "Please" i ask. He rolled his eyes. "Fine" he said getting in a running stance. 

"1,2,3 go" i yell. We  sprint off. I was a little behind so i got on all fours and sprites ahead. I laugh as i get way ahead. I won and couldn't see shinso. I jump up on the streets gate and look back. I see him walking up. We i sit like a cat on the gate. "You took forever" i tease. "Shut up kitty cat" he says pulling me down. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to my house. My dad wasn't home so we went in. "Come on i wanna change" i say pulling him to my room. We close the door. He had extra clothes at my house. We got comfortable with each other so we change in front of each other. We knows its a bit weird but who cares. Take my shirt off an put another on. I take my pants on and put skinny jeans on. 

Shinso took his shirt off. I got my phone out and loomed at it. "Did you make a friend~" i ask. I felt him glaring. I put my phone down to see a shirtless shinso. "Unlike some people i know Its hard for me to make friends" he says. I get up. I look at his torso. "What are you doing" he asked confused. I poke his abs. "Our training this summer gave you abs like me" i say showing him my abs. "Wowwww" he says putting his shirt on "showing off i see." He says taking off his pants. I sit at my desk. "You have abs and say your not athletic" i say. "I'm not you just bothered me because you didn't want to train alone" he said putting on a change of pants. 

We talked for a bit. "Alright i gotta go its been 2 hours" shinso said. "Alrighty tighty" i say. "Bye kitty cat" he says leaving. At 6 my dad came home. "Daddy!" I yell hugging him. "I brought home Chinese food" he says. I smile.

I really like this story. I love writing xreader stuff. I hope you enjoyed. Byeeeeeeeeeee

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