Chapter 2

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Your POV

I wake up to shinso shaking me. "what are you doing in my house ass wad" i groan. "I woke up early and your dad isn't home" he says. "Well where the hell is he" i say leaning up. "There's a note downstairs" he says. "Go get fucking get it while i get dressed" i say. "You sure fucking cuss a lot in the morning" he says leaving the room. I look at my phone. "Why the hell did he wake me up so early, come on dude 2 hours before school started" i mumble getting ready. I took off my night shirt leaving only my black shorts and bra. "Here" shinso says handing me the note. I read it. "Come on! He's got some sort of training camp wont be back for a week" i say. I grab my uniform shirt and put it on. 

"Shinso, is it weird we change infront of each other" i ask. "All long as are parts aren't showing its fine" he says laying on my twin size bed. I put my skirt on. "Move over I'm gonna lay down for another hour" i say. He moves over. I lay down. "What are you doing" i ask. "Its called reading maybe you should try it sometime" he say. I roll my eyes. "Why do you red so much" i ask. "I thought you were gonna go back to sleep for an hour" he says. "Ive changed my mind" i say. "So now your gonna just annoy me" he asked. "Nooo, I'm gonna sleep for 30 minuets" i say smirking. "Just take your cat nap already kitty cat, ill wake you up in 30 minuets" he says. I close my eyes. 

I wake up to an alarm. "Ok time for me to do your hair" he says. "Fineeeee" i groan. "Do something simple" i say. He nods. He brushes my hair and puts it into 2 low buns. "Thanks" i say. "Hey shinso, why are you always so.... different around me. I mean you do my hair you smile and laugh. You dont do that while were in public" i ask. "People just assume that's how i act at home to so I just act like it" he says. I raise a brow. "Ok fluffy hair, lets go to school" i say playing with his hair. We got there 40 minutes early so we sat on the bench and talked. "You look more tired than usual" i say. "You know in i have sleep-onset insomnia" he says. "Yea i know, but i wish you didn't so you could actually look good for once" i joke. "Yea yea kitty cat" he says rolling his eyes. 

"Ok we got 20 minutes so i gotta go, meet me here ok." I say. He nods. "I have an idea" i say. He raised a brow. Whoever gets here first the other one owes them a gas station snack" i say. "Your on" he said. I played with his hair for a second and hugged him. "Ok ok stop messing with my hair and go to school" he says. I frown. "Well if you didn't have soft hair I wouldn't touch it as much" i say. He smiles "cya later kitty cat" he says still smiling. i walk away and remind him "dont forget our bet" i say. "Go!" He yells. I start walking to korosuno which was only 5 minutes away.

Shinso POV

I put on my bored face and walked in. I feel a tap on my shoulder. It was that tetsutetsu guy. "What happened yesterday, it was like a Moment i saw you then the next you were gone" he says. i shrug. "Anyway dude, the third years wrekt the locker room so we have to use class 1-As" he says. I look at him and keep walking. We sat in our class when our teacher told us to go put on our PE clothes. We all walk to the locker room. I walked in first not caring. I went a random locker and put my stuff in. I wasn't paying attention but they were talking about abs and girls. My class started talking to class 1-A. i guess that reasonable since they gave us 30 minutes to change.

I took off my shirt and got peoples attention. I gave them a 'what' look. "Dude... you have a six pack" a tiny purple male says. i look and see everyone has a 4 pack not a 6 pack. I was internally crying 'y/n why did you do this to me'. I shrugged at the looks. "Dude since when have you been active" tetsutetsu asked. "We have been here for a week now how have you not noticed i had abs" i say putting a shirt on. We sat in the locker room. We had 20 minutes before we had to be out. I roll my eyes when they talked about girls. That mineta was a pervert. "Hey have you guys noticed a girl on the bench outside everyday. She wearing a Kurosuno uniform" the pikachu guy said. I frowned at the mention. 

"You got to mention she's hot" mineta said. I thought about it for a second. I mean here they were talking about her and her body and i see her change everyday. I pinched my nose trying not to laugh. Tetsutetsu noticed. "What's so funny shinso" he asked. "Oh yea!, shinso aren't you like her best friend or something" tenya said. "Woah dude actually" people said. "That's right, me and tenya met her the first day of school" deku said. "Why do you think she sits there everyday" i ask. "Wait she's waiting for you" tetsutetsu asked. I nodded. "So have you guys i dunno seen each other naked before" boys asked. "Not exactly" i say not thinking. "Wait so what, have you seen her in like a bra and underwear" mineta asked. I squinted at him. "I'm just saying if i were you i would be dating her already" mineta said. "What was her name again" deku asked. "Y/n" i say. "Ok I'm still confused when you said you haven't exactly seen her naked" denki said.

I couldn't hold it back anymore i just had to laugh. I covered my face while laughing. I couldn't stop. I knew i looked crazy. "A-are you laughing and smiling" tetsutetsu asked. "I'm sorry" i laughed. "you just reminded me of something she said this morning in her room" i say still laughing. "Dude! You were in a girls room" tetsutetsu asked. "What did she say" someone said. "N-nothing" i said chuckling. "Come on dude it made YOU laugh tell us" people begged. I calmed down. "She would hate me, and i dont brag" i say leaving the locker room. "And hes back to normal" tetsutetsu said. "When it comes to y/n it always makes him smile" deku added. 

It was the end of the day and i sprinted don the hall. "Why are you running!" Tetsutetsu asked catching up. "I dont have time today" i say sprinted away. I went to the bench to see y/n already there. "Fuckkkkkk" i say. "Haha, you owe me a frosty from cefco" she said. I hear pants behind me. "SHINSO DID YOU FINALL MAKE A FRIEND" she yells.

Your POV

I was so excited. "Who him no" shinso said. I nudge him to the side. "Hi! I'm y/n chatora" i say. "Woah tigers daughter" he says perking up. "Yup" i say. "I'm tetsutetsu" he says. I see shinso slouch on the bench. "Would you like to come to the gas station with us" i ask. Tetsutetsu smiles and nods. Shinso groans. "Shinso for being so mean your paying for him" i say about to punch him. "OK OK IM SORRY" he says.he gets up. I skip ahead of them. "Why are you so scared of her" tetsutetsu asked. i turn around. "I broke his arm with a flick before" i say. "HOW" tetsutetsu asked. "She has fucking super strength along with her cat abilities" shinso said. "My quirk allows my to turn to steel flick me with your strength" he asked. I shrugged. He turns to steel and i flick him. He ends up flying back and landing on his butt. 

We arrive at the gas station. Shinso had to pay 10 bucks.we get back at my house. "Ill get you some clothes to change to" i say going up the stairs. "And shinso before you follow me change infront of your friend today dont be rude"i say embarrassing him. I go upstairs and from the balcony i threw over clothes. "Now change!" I yell. I go in my room and release my hair. I change and go downstairs to see tetsutetsu on the couch. I sit next to him. Wait isn't shinso still changing" he says. "Nothing I haven't seen" i say sipping my drink. I look and see him looking at me in his boxers. "It's Friday my dad isn't gonna be home you guys wanna have a sleep over!" I ask. Tetsutetsu nods. See nothing coming out of shinso. "Shinso i know that's a yes" i say. 

I dint revise what time it was or how long this was hope you enjoyed 

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