Chapter 8

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18+ This episode is 18+ not all of it but a lot of it is. I hope you enjoy all the people that wanted this

Shinso POV

I was carrying y/n home when i felt her fall asleep. "Your too damn cute" i say walking. As I walk in the dorm i hear people being loud. I glare at them and they shut up. I go to my room and set her on her bed. I took a nap next to her. We wake up at 4pm. "Get out shinso i need to get ready for our date" she says. "Pick you up at 5" i say closing the door in between our room. "Just wear something casual" i say. "Ok" she said. I took a shower. I put on a white t-shirt with black jeans. I put over a grey jacket. It had a hood and said 'i quit' in black letters. It was 4:55 when i was done. I'm wait till 5 then knock on her door. "Ready to go" i ask. She comes out in a black coke crop top with black skinny jeans.

"Where you taking me" she asked going down the stairs. "You'll see" i say following her. We leave the dorms and go to my car. We get in and i drive. "Come on tell me" she said. "Here's a hint. Lets hope your cousin isn't there" i say. "Yass, cotton cafe" she said Happy. We arrive and go in. "she's not here" y/n said. We sit at a seat. I got a coke and y/n got strawberry lemonade. "We can just act normal because we act like were dating anyway" i tease. "That's true" y/n teased back. I got a taco plate and y/n got shrimp. "How do you eat so much seafood" i ask. "I'm a cat" she said. "Oh thats right, kitty cat" i say. "I hate it when you call me that" she said. I shrug.

Your POV

We got our food. As i was eating i saw shinso look at his phone. "Whatcha looking at" i say. He sets his phone down. He uses his thumb and wipes something off my face. "You could have told me" i say lightly blushing. "That wouldn't be any fun though" he teases. We eat our food. "Don't worry thats not the only place I'm taking you" he says. He puts his hand out. I put my hand on his and our fingers tangle together. We walk to this ice cream shop. "Ive always been a cliche haven't i" he says. "I think it's cute" i say.

We walk in. "1 straw berry and 1 vanilla" he says. I grab my straw berry cone. We leave holding hands. "Why are you so tall" i ask. "The real question is why are you so short" he said. We walk and sit down at the swings at the park. It was already dark. "It's only 7 it shouldn't be this dark" i say. "This time of year it's  normal" shinso said. We finished our ice cream. We went back to his car. As we were driving we had a little conversation. "This is really nice" i say. "So would you say successful date" he asked. "Yea, but don't get ahead of yourself or else" i say. 

We laugh. We get back and go in. As we go back into shinso's room it felt normal. I put out a long t-shirt and black shorts. I take off my crop top and put on the long t-shirt. I notice shinso not changing just watching. "Perv" i scoff. "Me, a perv" he teases. I saw him get up and keep watching. I put the shorts on when all of the sudden the lights went off. "S-shinso where are you" i say. I felt his hands grab my waist. I blush. "Shinso" i say annoyed. "Come on just tonight" he begs. "I-i told you not to get ahead of your self o-or else" i say. "But that amazing date could be even more amazing" he whispered. 

I felt him blow in my ear. "J-just this once" i say giving up. I felt him pick me up and set me on the bed. he slipped off my shorts. He kissed me. We were making out. It was still dark. "S-shinso its still dark" i say. He turns on the lamp next to us. A yellow glow filled the corner. He kissed my collar bone. It felt really good. "Your a virgin right" i ask. "Why" he said kissing my body. "Cause your really good at this" i say. I was a virgin too but this was great. "Yea" he said. He took off his shirt. At that moment in time i couldn't help but look at his abs. 

"You like them" he teased. I unconsciously nod. He took off my bra. He looked at my flat chest. "Your too cute" he says kissing me on my lips. He took off his pants. He was in his boxers. His finger trailed my thigh. He licked from the tip of my panties to my jaw. "Ngh~" i moan. He took off my underwear leaving my whole body exposed to him. I blushed lightly. "What do you want first" he teased. I didn't say anything. All of the sudden i felt something wet touch my clit. I moan soft. I look and see him licking me. I had to keep quiet or the whole dorm would hear. He kept licking i was moaning quietly. 

He pulls away and looks in his nightstand. He pulls out a condom. "You knew we would have sex didn't you" i say annoyed. He nods and smirks. He takes off his boxers. There is no way that fits. His body was bigger than my small fragile one. He slips the condom on. "Shinso" i say worried. "Don't worry it'll fit" he whispered in my ears. He blows and bites my earlobe. He stops and lines up with my entrance. "Y/n, I'm gonna put it in" he says. I blush. He slowly puts in his shaft. I moaned but covered my mouth so it was muffled. He was all the way in and i was a mess. My muffled moans were soft and held back. My face was red and i had a couple tears. He brushed my face with his hand.

He was still in me when he leaned over and kissed me. We were kissing. "Calm down" he said. i nod. "Can i move" he asked. I nod. I feel him move and it felt really good. Every single movement made me moan. They were soft and  muffled. "I-I'm gonna cum" i peep. all of the sudden i started coming. It must have felt good against him since i felt him cum in the condom. He pulled out. We laid down for a minute. "I'm gonna start a shower" he said. He got up. After a minute he picked me up. He set me in the shower with him. "Don't worry they didn't hear us, i made sure the bed wasn't rocking and we were quiet" he said rubbing my hair. We washed and got out. We laid down and fell asleep.

Hehehehe this was a spicy episode between you and shinso. So cute byeeeeeeee

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