The Madness Of Duke Matsuoka

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Rin Matsuoka has always had an inconceivable, far-fetched, tragic life. He was born as an unwanted child. His mother commited suicide just by looking at him and his horrendous looks, not being able to stand it. And the day he was born, his father locked him up in a cell deep in their castle's basement for as long as Rin himself can remember. Why? Simply put, he was, well...ugly. Out of sheer coincidence, with no evidence as to why this was so, he was born...with a second face on his left cheek. It wasn't until Rin was finally 8 years old, that he was released from that dark, damp cell of emptiness.

However, during the time he was in that cell, it seemed that his father started adopting another child and has welcomed them into the family. So now, Rin is commanded to address, view, and see this new family his "stepbrother", despite the fact they looked nothing alike.

The stepbrother's name was Rei Ryugazaki. Compared to Rin's outrageous appearance, Rei is a noble, who's good looks are proclaimed by girls he has encountered before his parents decided to leave him. Rin felt betrayed, and was in more despair than he had even been in that cell he stayed in for so long. He felt like the replacement child. He was the replacement child, much to his dismay.

When they became adults, early engagement plans were arranged. Whoever charms and woos a man of high status first would then become the Duke of the entire country. It was all between Rei and Rin. One day, during a party, Rei encountered the handsome Haruka Nanase, who he fell for in a moment's time. Rin hid in the shadows during the party, afraid of those who will make fun of him for his face. But his eyes laid on Haru...and he too, fell in love. Rin talked to him sometimes, but Haru never really showed any interest in him. One night, during yet another banquet party, he slowly approached Haru, who was about to share a dance with Rei.

"E-Excuse me..." Rin stuttered.

"Ugh, what do you want, brother?" Rei sneered at him with disgust.

Haru's eyes go wide in surprise as he turns to see Rin in front of him, trying not to notice his second face on his left cheek, but decides to ignore it. "Um...hello, fancy meeting you here, Rin. What is it?"

Rin cannot let this moment slip by. He has to show Rei that he's capable of chasing after what he wants, and that the snobby, older, handsome, brother won't always get his way. Rin bows down, takes Haru's hand, and stares into his deep blue eyes, his own eyes full of sincerity and hope. "Haru, I can't live another second of my life without you. You've captured my heart and soul. Would you please marry me?"

Haru paused for a second, and Rei looked outraged, but stayed calm.

"Sorry, but I am not interested". Haru glares coldly at him. He swiftly takes his hand out of Rin's grip.

Rei started to burst out laughing. "Why brother, just what is this? A joke? Go wed yourself to a peasant far off in this country or something! You're worthless, nothing but a piece of trash!"

Rin felt like he has just been stabbed in the very deep depths of his heart. Like some hole was inside it now. He felt embarrassed, angry, and most of all, he was in an extreme state of remorse and sorrow. Heartbroken, he stands up and runs away to the castle garden, where he can be alone. He collapses onto a bed of thorny red roses, and cries. He cried harder than ever before. It was the pain he felt, the pain he carried with him throughout all 18 years of his life, not even the rose thorns can hurt him. Nobody wanted him. His parents didn't want him. His stepbrother didn't want him. And most of all, his true love didn't want him. It was all because of the way he looked. Not wanting to suffer any longer, thoughts of suicide started to cloud his head. He had a knife in his pocket this whole time. He whips it out and nervously points the blade to his neck. "I...I hate this! I hate it! All of it! I'm shameful, I'm horrendous, and just downright disgusting! Goodbye, nasty, loathe-filled world. You're too full of hatred..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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