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Inside the Helicarrier, Steve and Elisia are confronted by Bucky. "People are gonna die, Bucky. We can't let that happen." El explained. Bucky gave her a hard cold look. "Please don't make me do this." Steve begged. He hadn't wanted to hurt Bucky if they came across him.

El and Steve both realized Bucky wouldn't back down and Steve threw his shield at Bucky. Bucky grabs El in a choke hold, suffocating her, and Steve quickly breaks them up. The trio then begin battling. As they're all fighting, Steve manages to take out the targeting blade system, but as Bucky attacks him again after flinging El into a machine, he knocks the chip out of Steve hand.

"Damn." Steve mutters.

Back with the council, Natasha, Max, and Fury are still handling business. "Done." Natasha says looking at her phone. "And it's trending." She adds. 

Just then, Pierce sets off the pins he gave the council members, causing it to burn deeply into their sternum, Natasha, Max, and Fury points their guns at Pierce.

He turns to Natasha, "unless you want two inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down."

Max looks confused, Natasha doesn't back down, and neither does Fury. "That was armed the moment you pinned it on." Pierce informed. 

Max stood down. Natasha didn't. "Nat, please. Just put the gun down." Max said. Natasha hesitated. "Please, I can't lose you." Max said. Natasha internally kicked herself for her love of the girl and stood down. Fury did as well knowing her couldn't handle Max's puppy dog eyes. 

Back at the Helicarrier, El and Steve are still battling it out with their old friend. Bucky stabs Steve in the shoulder and grabs the fallen chip. "Steve!" El yelled. 

El uses her powers and flips Bucky hard on his back. He gets up and stabs her in her side causing her to grunt in pain. "El! Oh my God, are you okay?" Steve asks. Before she can answer, Bucky punches Steve in the face. 

Steve quickly yanks the knife out his shoulder and grabs Bucky by his throat. He then throws his best friend on the floor and armlocks him. 

"Drop it!" El yelled. "Drop it!" Steve yelled after when Bucky didn't budge. Bucky still doesn't move.

Out of anger, El breaks Bucky's arm using her powers and Steve chokes Bucky until he passes out causing him to drop the chip. El, painfully, grabs the chip as Steve lets go of Bucky.

Steve pockets the ship and helps El onto her feet. "Are you okay?" Steve asks as they begin to move out. El nods, "I'll live." "Yeah, I hope so." Steve said.

Back at the Triskelion, Sam attacks Rumlow in an office after Rumlow gives his location to whoever was on the other line of his radio. 

Rumlow manages to knock Sam down. "This is gonna hurt. There are no prisoners with HYDRA, just order. And order only comes through pain. You ready for yours?" Rumlow stated. "Man, shut the hell up." Sam says panting and the two attack each other. 

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