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"Hey Dan, you coming?"

I turn my head from my locker, empty except for my uniform hanging on the coat hook, and see PJ, wearing a soft pink hoodie with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of blue jeans. He's standing with Chris, another kid in our year. I shake my head.

"Oh, come on! We're headed to the pub for some celebration," PJ whines. "It won't be the same without you." He pouts and I raise an eyebrow.

"The pub? At 2:30 in the afternoon? Bit early, don't you think?" I respond. Chris chuckles.

"Not now, Dumbo. In a few hours. We're headed back to my place first," he says, folding his arms. I don't talk much to Chris. And for good reason. He's loud and blunt, often coming off as rude or dark. He tends to draw a lot of attention, which I don't like. I look at PJ, who's chipping at his nail polish, and sigh. I don't want anything happening to him. Reluctantly, I agree to join them, dropping the idea of going on a walk. PJ smiles and I drop my eyes to the floor as we start to walk. Christ rambles on about one thing or another and PJ responds excitedly. We make our way outside, but instead of heading to the bus stop, Chris leads us down a path to the right of the school. Through the woods. My spirits lift a bit and I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out. It's Phil.

Amazingphil - Hey dannyboy! Just checking in on my break. How's your birthday going?

I break into a smile and look up at PJ, who's walking closer to Chris. My smile falters.

DannyFire - it's going :-/ I think my friend forgot about it since it's the last day of school and the grad ceremony is this Friday. And I think he has a new crush.

Amazingphil - gah I'm sorry Danny. But hey, it'll be alright. Promise :-)

PJ looks back at me and grins, full teeth, at me. I give a soft smile and look back at my phone.

DannyFire - thanks man. That means a lot, tbh xD

After a quick farewell, I stick my phone back into my pocket and look at the trees around me. I'll be back out here in not too long. Aside from Chris's ramblings, it's quiet. It's almost peaceful. I reach out and touch a leaf, sending a tingle through my fingertips. When I look ahead again, I find that PJ has slowed his steps to keep pace with me.

"What's that smile for?" He asks in a hushed voice. I don't answer. Instead, I look down. He nudges me with his elbow. "Danny boy's got a crush." His voice is almost sing-song-y. My face burns.

"No I don't," I refuse. PJ chuckles. "It's just a friend I met online. Phil. Come on, Peej, you know I'm straight." He sighs and gazes at Chris.

"I know..." He becomes quiet, as if disappointed, but quickly grins and goes, "More for me, then," before skipping to catch up with Chris.

Yeah, more for you, I think, chewing on the inside of my lip. He seems more enthusiastic towards Chris, if that's even remotely possible.

"Hey, wait up you guys," I call, quickening my pace to match theirs. I smile at them as they continue their conversation.

More for you.

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