Living Illusions

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The halls of Treeline academy are abuzz with noise and excitement. It's like this every Friday. The weekend is near, and everyone is keen for some fun. Today, I'm joining them. After too long I shall once again have fun! I've got a foolproof plan which involves inviting Lily and Kenai for dinner. Once upon a time I would've only invited Lily, but Kenai isn't so bad; he's actually kind of funny and what can I say? I'll do anything to make it seem real.

To feel normal again, to be able to smile, to trick myself into believing that I'm okay, I can put up with him for that. I can't explain it but there's something about Kenai that just makes me think he can help, or at least that he wants to. Either way, I will start living illusions, and no one will worry about me because on the outside I'll be fine.

I pulled my bag from a rusty locker and looked around for Lily. Being so small she has to be careful not to be crushed. So, as usual, she's walking on the roof. I don't know how she does it, but apparently Sobble are just good at clinging onto things, including ceilings apparently. I smiled and stood by my locker. Lily jumped to the wall before climbing down onto my shoulder.

"Onwards, noble steed!" She called.

I rolled my eyes and made for the school gates, looking for his fat head as I went. I couldn't see him inside, so I stepped through the doors and searched the courtyard. I spotted him outside the gates, already a short way down the road.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Hold on, Lil."

Weaving through the crowd I jogged down the road and quickly caught up with the Poochyena. I ran in front of him and paused a moment, catching my breath. "Slow down, mutt."

Kenai raised an insulted brow and looked at me questioningly.

"You're both invited for dinner and a movie at my house, interested?"

"Yes," Lily answered, not even hesitating a second.

Kenai smirked. "While I'd love for you to take me home, I'll have to decline."

That was not the response I'd been expecting, and I couldn't decide whether to slap him or ask him why he's like this. You know, just like this. I can't explain it any more clearly than that. Anyways, I chose the latter option.

I groaned. "Why are you like this?"

"It would be boring if I wasn't."

"Peaceful is what it would be."

"Peace is just another word for boredom."

I stopped and looked at him in confusion. "That is not correct."

He smirked. "Depends who you ask. I haven't felt peaceful in a long time, so you can imagine it's been a while since I had the luxury of being bored."

I really didn't know how to respond to that. Luckily, I didn't have to.

"Well, have fun with your... not peace, and we'll see you around," said Lily.

Kenai nodded and chuckled to himself. "Yeah, see you later."

I shook my head as the Poochyena walked away. "He just keeps getting weirder."

Lily nodded in agreement. "Oh yeah."


The popcorn crunched loudly in my mouth as I chewed. My eyes glued to the television screen; I offered the steaming bag to Lily. The water lizard grabbed the bag and practically inhaled the food; for such a tiny thing, she can eat.

Lily gasped and spat popcorn everywhere as the film's hero fell, defeated. I snickered, having seen the movie before I knew what happened next.

"No!" Lily shouted.

After that she sat in quiet anticipation. I rolled my eyes and my mind wandered off. I watched with empty interest, thinking about questions that couldn't escape my mind.

"What do you think of Kenai?"

Lily shot me a strange sideways glance before shaking her head and turning back to the TV. "He's cool, I guess. Bit strange though."

"I wonder what he's hiding." Lily made a face and kept watching, ignoring my curious statement. "Seriously though-"

She groaned and paused the movie. She swung her head to look at me and deadpanned. "People have secrets, Rose, it's not that weird. Maybe he just has a crush on you something."

My muscles tensed and my back straightened of its own volition. "Don't even joke," I hissed, pointing a shaky finger at her.

Lily giggled. "Why? Does it make you uncomfortable?"


She giggled again. "Probably because you have a crush on him too."

My mouth fell open and I gestured vaguely. "Wwwhat? Where did you get that idea?"

"The flirting, the name-calling, the fact that you were thinking about him just now."

I was about to protest when I realised that she had a point, but I refused to admit it. I can't have feelings for him; I can't possibly have already moved on from Fable.

"Okay," I said, "The flirting is accidental, the name-calling is a joke, and I was just curious. I'm always curious."

Lily rolled her eyes and groaned. "You're thicker than a Snorlax, you know that, right?"

My brows drew together at the insult and I looked at her accusingly.

She shrugged. "It's true."

With that she grabbed the remote and played the film, deciding the discussion was over. I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms and sat wondering; I can see it in his smile, he's hiding something, but what?

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