My Lasting Fable - Epilogue

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"Okay, I'm ready."

"You don't have to do this."

"It was your idea."

"I didn't think you'd actually do it!"

I laughed and placed my paw gently on Dad's arm. "I'll be careful, and I'll be safe."

The Lucario sighed. He was growing older and his once creamy fur was taking on a silver tint. "I know, but I'll miss you all the same. You'll always have a home here."

"Will there be pancakes?"

Dad chuckled and held my cheek in his paw. "For you? Always. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too," I said, hugging Dad tightly, being careful to dodge to spike jutting from his chest. His soft, fluffy fur felt so familiar and I remembered curling up against him to sleep when I was little, but now I need to let him go.

I broke the hug and turned to Lily. She was sitting patiently by the roadside, tears welling in her big round eyes. I laughed softly and offered her my paw. She climbed up and scampered onto my shoulder like she'd done a hundred times before. She pressed her cheek against mine.

"I'll miss you, be safe."

I could only nod in response; I didn't trust my voice.

"When you get back, I expect to hear plenty of stories, and then, we're going out for ice-cream."

I laughed weakly and my voice caught. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I said, "Sure thing, Lil. Don't get bored while I'm gone."

She groaned. "I'll try."

I hugged Lily before setting her down and hugging Dad one last time. Then I stepped back. "My lasting fable won't write itself, but I'll be back, and with plenty of stories."

I turned on my heel and began walking the dirt road out of town. I readjusted my backpack and set a steady pace, moving off in the trees. From behind me I could still hear them calling.

"You better have all the stories!"

"I love you, Rose, and you have made me so proud!"

I rolled my eyes and tried not to become emotional. Nice timing, Dad.

So, that's it then. Dad and I moved here because staying where we'd lost Mother was too painful. Here, Dad made friends and got a good job. I made friends too, fantastic friends. One an adorable, honest little lizard and the other, a lying, cheating fool. I don't know what I'd have done without either of them. They helped me come this far and now here I am, walking away from it all. Stepping out into the world and finally inscribing my lasting fable upon history.

It feels good, to be happy again. You should try it, just remember: The silent fable spoke volumes. The spoken fable brought silence. The honest fable restored peace. Together, they built something that will stand; they built a lasting fable.

Goodbye, friends.

My Silent Fable – Fin


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