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black and white.

that's how I saw
the sun, the moon,
the surroundings,
the sea, my room.

the long grey roads with
black cars driving through,
tall buildings reflected by the white
sunlight as it was only noon.

they all lacked
emotions and colours.

and that's when
my mom and friends
step into the scene.
as if someone started adding
colours, one by one,
creating a beautiful picture,
or rather—a film.

the emotions dyed the sight.
and, at that, I always smiled.

still, I felt something
missing, a void in my heart,
the palette lacking a colour.
quiet, yet so relevant.


i added more and more
drowning in the nice feel
of the newfound colour.


the sun that showed me the way,
the bus that drove me every day,
the flowers that smelled divine,
my jacket for the seasons of rain.

the colour
that was so beautiful
and vivid,
it brought everything
to life.

the big amount
seem fine at first.

it started mixing
with other colours.
cutting through the textures
like a knife.

red became orange.
blue became green.
the palette got messier.
it wasn't fun as it at first
might have seemed.

the palette became
one ugly colour.
yellow was everywhere,
contaminating the canvas,
my choking lungs,
my orange heart
that so empty started to feel.

after all—too much
of anything is bad.

and I suddenly felt green.

Orange because red and green because blue, got it? 👀

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