Jeni and her friends went to Jed's funeral. Jeni started to talk about the game that they have played and she think Jed's death was not an accident.
She kept on stating what happened to her and Jed was all part of that stupid game.
But Jed were not able to survive. Then Lyn started to feel dizzy and hearing voices to choose 'truth or dare' the voice kept on screaming, louder on her head as she shouted dare.Then Lyn eyes went black and as she rush to the Jed's kitchen to get a knife and kill herlself in front of all the people in the funeral. Jeni and her friends was shocked and rattle on why Lyn just kill herself withoit a any reason at all. Che thought maybe its the dare for her to kill herslef. But Grace suddenly remember that The Perfect Game has rules upon playing Truth or Dare they should not pick the same option twice. That if she chose dare the next person/player option should be only truth. That is the reason why it's The Perfect Game.
Jeni: i was the last person who chose truth that night. When i confess that i had a crush on Winston.
Che: so if you chose truth. Then maybe Jed chose truth the reason why she kill herslef.
Grace: No. Guys i think Jed chose Dare since she js alone that night in her room so its pointless to chose truth without anyone. As she need to tell it to someone.
Mark: I guess no matter what Jed chose possible she refused to do it the reason why she kill herslef.
Jeni: some of us have points but the fact is Lyn chose dare and then she kill herself. Her eyes went black and rush to the kitchen to get a fukcin knife and kill herself in front of us. The game supposed to tell you what is your dare.
Che: if Lyn chose dare then she just kill herself does only mean the next person should chose truth.
Jeni: Exactly. Now we need to know who will be next. As she remember that Jayson took some photos and uploaded it on his newsfeed. As they try to check. Che is next to Lyn, then Grace, Mark, Mario, Rheen, Jayson, Elaine, Winston, Jelyn, Julius and Me.Now they have learn that Jed was forced to kill herself after failing to complete a dare. And same goes to Lyn since she chose dare which she supposed to choose truth.
As they try to get back to Mark's car and Jeni is trying to contact the others involve on the game. She try to contact Jelyn.
Jeni: Hello, Jelyn where are you.
Jelyn: why you're calling me you psycho b*tch.
Jeni: Jelyn listened to me Im sorry but this is nott the timw for you to be mad at me our lives is at stake.
Jelyn: really huh! Is this part of your stupid act! Jeni: Jelyn. Jed and Lyn was dead if she wont listened Che will Die too.
Jelyn: What dafuq Jeni are you crazy or out of your mind.
(Che grab the phone from Jeni)
Che: Jelyn can you just shut the hell up and let us know where are the others.
Jelyn: Hey! Who the hell are you to talked to me like that you effin loser.
Che: Im sick and tired of all your dramas in life Jeni. Are you going to tell us or will let this evil game get back to you and slice your throat and die like Lyn. Satisfied madafuker b*tch.
Che: Ok guys i have the location. They are at the school pantry.They immediately go to the school and while they are on their way. Che began seeing things like people with the weird faces and asking her truth or dare. She just shouted 'TRUTH B*TCH' then Mark stopped the car and they just look at Che as she is like being possessed as her eyes went white. Then she immediately scream.
Che: OH MY GOOOD. There is now what i will say it. (Jeni hold on Che)
Jeni: it's okay Che just say it nothing will change. (still che is shouting she cant say it. Then she noticed a guy outside of the car is staring at her and its like giving her a sign that she have only a few seconds to dot it)
As Che went panicking as she don't know what to do and how to say it. Jeni just slapped her face.
Jeni: Che you have yo say it or else you will die.
Che: i Don't wanna die Jeni.
Grace: then say it che what is the truth.
Che say her truth. About her desire to have sex with another girl that she likes Jeni so much.
Che: I know you may look me that bad and im sorry for liking you Jeni.
Jeni: it's ok Che and im sorry that i only see you as my friend.
Che: its ok i know that already it hurts but i will be fine. Now that im done. Grace your next.
Jeni: Grace you have to chose dare and whatever it will be she have to do it.Then mark started the engine and went back to the road to go to the school and meet the others.
Thanks guys i'll be posting the 3rd chapter soon #cheers
The Perfect Game
ParanormalIn true friendship forgetfulness has no place except for The Perfect Game. Credits to my college friends CS-105 ❤️