Bismuth X Trans! Male! Reader

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"Ice cream date"


Bismuth stared into the mirror, her reflection showing just how much emotional turmoil she had been through in the last few days.

She had been planning this for way more than she would have liked to admit.

"Today is the day."

She declared to herself, pointing her index finger at the mirror to empathize her words.

"Today's the day you're gonna woman up and tell him."

Bismuth shakily took her finger away from the smooth surface, looking into her reflection's eyes, the figure staring back at her, her whole body agitated by a mixture of excitement, anxiety and utter affection.


Thinking about him.

Her hands trembled as she moved her hair band from her wrist to the base of her fingers, hands grabbing a fistful of her rainbow locks, wrapping the band around them, though leaving most of it loose around her shoulders.
She checked herself over one more time, smoothing out the colorful shirt (Y/N) had gotten her weeks ago. Bismuth could never let on just how much she loved the gift.
A dreamy sigh escaped her lips as her mind seemed to slip away from coherent thought, losing herself just by thinking of her crush.

She loved him.
No, no- she adored him.

If you had told her five months ago that she, the ultimate crystal gem warrior, would fall for a human, she'd think you're crazy. At least that's what she used to tell herself.
Sure, humans were a big part of why the crystal gems were fighting for Earth - she knew they were important to Rose.
But she couldn't wrap her head around the reason behind that.

Not when she met Steven.

Not when Pearl introduced her to her human pals.

But then (Y/N) came into her life.

And for the life of her, Bismuth couldn't help but get closer to him.
He was a new resident in Beach City, one that just happened to walk into one of her armor-making lessons in Little Homeworld. They talked and talked, about just anything and everything. She loved his smile, his laugh, how he carried himself, the way his eyes would light up whenever he talked about something he was passionate about;
whenever he did as much as laugh at one of her puns, or blush at an embarrassing comment from Amethyst, Bismuth felt a wave of warmth engulf her gem;

Even at the smallest of details, she was completely enamoured with him.

And there she was, getting ready for her first date with him.
She didn't know how those words managed to get out of her throat once she was in front of him, and she was even more clueless as to why he even said yes.

They were just planning to get an ice cream and walk along the streets of Beach City; nothing fancy.
And if it wasn't for the blush both of them would wear during that afternoon, people passing by might just have thought they were friends.

"You can do this."


The two strolled together, hands barely brushing against one another, ice cream cones in their other hand.

"It's been a while since we hung out, huh?"

(Y/N)'s eyes went to meet Bismuth's,
his voice melting away any worry she had about the day.

"Y-Yeah, I missed you."

Bismuth tried to hide her blush as she saw a small smile form upon (Y/N)'s lips.

They joked around, letting time fly, and as the sky turned orange and pink, Bismuth and (Y/N) could be found sitting on the hill near the temple, resting on the cool grass, watching the sun get engulfed by the ocean.

Bismuth looked over at the smaller male, his eyes stuck upon the scenery before him.

"I never knew there was such a pretty view from here, thank you for showing me." his eyes briefly flickered from the sunset to Bismuth, whose eyes had been on him long enough to make (Y/N) chuckle lightly.

"I'm... I'm glad you like it." She tried to avert her gaze, head turning back to the sea, her face growing warmer.

"It's time, Bis. Tell him."

Cursing the small voice in her head, Bismuth turned back at (Y/N), fully facing him. Her hand reached out across the blades of grass, barely touching his.
He reacted to this by nonchalantly placing his hand above hers, as if they had been doing this forever.

Before she could chicken out of her confession, Bismuth leaned closer to (Y/N), turning her hand over, gently grabbing his. (Y/N) barely reacted, save for a blush rising to his cheeks.

"I-I've been meaning to tell you something very... crucial, to our relationship."

She mentally slapped herself for the choice in words, but she pressed forward.

"A-And I just, It's quite hard to tell you this, but I just wanted you to know-"

Her words halted as soon as she saw the expression on (Y/N)'s face. She wasn't going to let herself pass up the perfect opportunity to tell him how she felt, but the way he looked back at her rang an alarm bell from deep inside her gem.

She couldn't put her finger on to what, but she planned to find out.

"Are you alrigh-"

"I'm fine."

"You are so not fine."

"Bismuth, nothing's wrong-"

"Look, I get it if you don't wanna talk about it, but you should know you can tell me anything."

(Y/N) finally gave in, letting out a soft sigh, bringing one of his knees up closer to him, hugging his leg with one arm.

"I just... Dysphoria hasn't been easy on me these past few days. I tried to not let that get in the way of our date."

Bismuth could only look back at him, concern flooding her gem. She knew this was something he went through regularly, and if she could say or do anything to take this pain away from him, by the stars she would have done so already.

His eyes went from her own to the ground, his hand clutching Bismuth's tighter.

"I'm... I'm sorry I ruined the mood-"

"You didn't ruin anything."

She almost didn't let him finish that sentence before she spoke. Bismuth hesitantly brought her other hand up to tip his chin upwards to look at her, his eyes glistening as he looked back at her, face now stained with tears. She gently ran her fingers across the wet streaks, wiping off his tears.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

"Just you being here is more than enough."

He tried to force a smile on his face as tears kept running down on his cheeks.
Bismuth's hands let go of him, right before wrapping her arms around (Y/N), bringing him closer to her, the side of his face resting against her gem.

As her crush wept into her chest, Bismuth ran one of her hands through his hair, while her other hand rested against the middle of his back.
She felt (Y/N)'s hands wrap around her waist. Smiling softly, Bismuth closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of embracing him.

Confessing could wait.

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