Demantoid X Human! Reader (Pt. 1)

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Demantoid sat in silence, looking out of one of the many high windows the Palace of Light had to offer. Her personal chambers faced an outer courtyard; she could see gems of all cuts and colors running along;
jades, quartzes, bismuths, and any other gem that used to serve her colonies and Pyrope's.

The small garnet sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, her unibrow furrowing in aggravation.

Pyrope, Pyrope, Pyrope.

Of course her gems loved her, she was perfect.

Sitting in her room all day.

Not even recognizing one of her own, standing before her.

Blaming her failure to stop the Crystal Gems on me.

Demantoid grimaced as remembered the humiliating way her form dissipated before the rebels themselves. She thought about how and why would Hessonite side with such gems; despite her intellect, it was beyond her.

And out there she was, the great Hessonite herself, chatting about with gems she would have never paid mind to just a few years prior;

Laughing, talking.

Being happy.

Demantoid shook herself out of her thoughts; how could she be happy in such lack of order?

She knew she wasn't happy.

In fact, Demantoid had only started to use such a word to describe a state of being after Hessonite began to use it, saying how she felt "liberated" and how many "opportunities" she saw for herself. But what paths of life could possibly be better than the one her idea of Era 3 provided?

An improved caste system, more efficiency, lack of judgment towards gems who require limb enhancers-

A tear threatened to form in Demantoid's eyes as she was reminded of all the things she used to take for granted.

Her tech.

Her modified limb enhancers.

Her prism.

All these things were stripped from her with no warning. She was left with nothing but a small device used for writing.
It was Era 2, a bit beaten up, but it provided her with the comfort of tech.

It acted as a sort of diary, one that Demantoid poured all her feelings in.
Anger, frustration, confusion. She was currently typing in it, venting to the holographic screen as her fingers relentlessly tapped it's surface.

It was given to her by Hessonite after numerous demands, and of course, her fellow garnet provided.
That's how she spent most of her days since she was poofed.

Writing, making projects, inventing. Anything to keep her busy.

Altough, she did sometimes come out of her room to explore the new changes the palace went through, barely even sparing a glance to other gems.

During this time, interactions with Pyrope were brief and sour, and Hessonite, despite giving her best efforts at trying to pry her out of her shell, Demantoid resisted.

And for the first time in her lifetime, Demantoid felt truly alone in the universe.

Just as she finished writing on her device, the door of her room slid open.


Said gem recognized the voice, immediately closing the device, turning around in her chair only to face Hessonite herself.

Demantoid had been so lost in writing her thoughts that she didn't notice Hessonite was no longer in the courtyard.

She stared back at the orange garnet, who had switched her usual upbeat and confident smile with a and concerned expression, making Demantoid question if she had somehow done anything wrong.

"It's been weeks since me and Pyrope have seen you, I just wanted to see how you were holding up."

Her tone was quieter, much less theatrical in nature. Hessonite was leaning against the wall, her unibrow lifting slightly while waiting for an answer.


"Don't "hm" me, Demantoid. Whether you like it or not, I'm getting you out of this chamber."

Demantoid stiffened in her seat,

"I'm not going out there"

Hessonite only stared back as she walked towards the smaller gem.

"I know, that's why I'm making you go."

Before Demantoid could protest, Hessonite placed her hands under the other garnet's arms, lifting her off her seat.

"L-Let me go-!"

"Not a chance, Demantoid. I'm so done with you being a shut in even worse than Pyrope ever since Era 3 started.
Besides, I invited someone over today. I have a feeling you'll get along. Now stop squirming."

Regardless, Demantoid continued on kicking her legs as Hessonite carried her out of her chambers.

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