Chapter #9

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Song is Archangel by Two Steps From Hell.
Hazel's POV
I sighed as I pulled away the phone. I hated it when my brothers fought. I returned to the main room and returned the phone to Miko with a quiet "thank you".
"Are you alright?" The leader, Optimus Prime, asked me. I sighed, shaking my head.
"Yeah, it's just-they're fighting again."
Optimus frowned. "You mean your brothers?" I nodded.
"They're always fighting about the stupidest things, although this one is pretty serious. I think I'll go find uncle Bobby and see if he has a salt and burn I can do to blow off some steam."
I turned towards him. "Is there a way out of here or something?"
The Prime nodded.
"Ratchet, could you please groundbridge miss Hazel to her desired location?"
As the others in the room chatted, I gave Ratchet directions to Souix Falls.  I didn't give him the exact location of Bobby's house, because that was private information. The now-familiar portal opened up.
"Thank you all for getting me out if there, and for helping my brothers. I hope to see y'all soon, and as a final warning, beware of anything having to do with Dick Roman or his company. He is not Dick Roman but a Leviathan, the same creature that impersonated my brothers and I, and he is very dangerous. Be very, very, careful when it comes to any Leviathan related. Do you understand?"
They all nodded, heeding my warning.
"Decapitation does slow them down, but we haven't found a way to kill them. Once we do, we will wipe them out. You have my word."
They all absorbed this information, and I went to the portal. I immediately called Bobby at a pay phone, and he went to pick me up.
"So, aliens huh?" He grinned at me.
"You have no idea, Bobby! It was actually quite wonderful to be able to meet them. I dare say we could learn a lot from each other. I most certainly hope to meet them again." I stretched in my seat.
"Do you have any simple salt and burns for me? I need to blow off some steam, and wait for my brothers to get their crap together." Bobby nodded.
"There's a case in Wisconsin. I'll brief you on it once we get home."
"Sounds good to me," I mumbled to myself.
It felt so good to be back.
Sorry it's so short. Hope y'all enjoy!
❤️Soundwave's Wife❤️

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