Chapter #4

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Song is Gone Away by Five Finger Death Punch. I know this chapter doesn't have Gabriel in it, but I love this pic of him, so I stuck it in anyways. Hope y'all enjoy!
Hazel's POV
"I know we're already working a job, but I just uncovered the strangest thing." This was the remark my twin greeted me with as I walked into the kitchen of the small apartment we rented for the week.
"A satellite dish array in Texas was hacked into and attacked a few days ago. Whoever did it cut the line, and no one can figure out where exactly they were aiming the dishes."
"What makes it our kind of thing?" I asked Sam.
"Whoever, or whatever, attacked the house, managed to erase most of the security footage, but when it cut the hardline, a backup camera caught this."
He showed me a picture of a strange being. It was black and purple, and reminded me of Slenderman. I frowned. "Government robot experiment, maybe?" Sam shook his head. "No, I already checked. The government has no idea who, or what, this is."
At this point, Dean walked in, yawning.
After Sam explained what he told me, he agreed to check it out, but wanted to finish this job first. We had gotten no closer to figuring out anything about these strange cars (I was slightly disturbed to find out that one of them was parked right next to us at the burger joint from the day before, and the ghost/demon had likely heard Sams and I's conversation). There were no strange deaths in the area related to any of the cars, their makes and models, or any connection to the kids. It was all very strange. We eventually decided to follow the cars. We found out from a gossiping neighbor that the cars picked up the kids from school every day. We would see where they went afterwards. We also heard about the Jasper museum gaining a strange artifact that no one knew much about, only that it was Greek. Sam, who was a history geek, wanted to check it out. I laughed as he dragged Dean and I across the parking lot to the museum. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I glimpsed the red and blue semi, but I shook it off. Ghosts and demons were usually awake at night; when they were possessing objects anyways. The museum actually wasn't that disappointing, and Sam was slamming us with random history facts as we left. As we left, we saw the yellow and black Camaro. My brothers looked at it nervously as we passed, but I reminded them that the ghost most likely haunting this car was probably asleep.
"Don't worry bros. As soon as we're done with this ghost crap we can go back to hunting those Leviathin, as soon as Bobby finds a way to gank them." I assured them. Besides, haunted or not, the car was beautiful. Once we returned to the apartment, we continued our research. Sam found another oddity, this time in space. A space station had detected a strange but significantly large explosion high in earth's orbit. Investigators are still trying to determine exactly what happened, but are coming up empty. It was noted that this occurred at a similar time the satellite dishes were hacked. My bothers and I looked at each other.
What on earth is going on here?
It wasn't long before we also discovered  evidence that a purebred werewolf was in town. We needed to be extra careful, though, because the Leviathan had framed us for another shooting and robbery that afternoon, and our faces were all over the news. Again. We tracked the werewolf to tall caverns in the desert, but we managed to put it down with minimal injury. Before we left, however, we heard and saw two jets overhead. Then, an amazing thing happened. They both transformed into these huge, robot-looking creatures! I recognized one of them as the one who hacked the dishes! I exchanged glances with my brothers, who were evidently thinking the same thing. We needed to check this out. They appeared to be conversing, or rather, the grey jet was talking, and the other was probably replying with the requested information. I also noticed the latter had no face; it was covered by a visor. We approached them with caution, our guns at the ready, when they suddenly took off. Thankfully, they didn't go too far, but landed in front of a rocky wall. The grey jet requested something called a "cube", which the purple and black one supplied him with. The cube was blue, and glowing. The purple one proceeded to fly away, landing on the top of the canyon. A crevice in the rocks opened. My brothers and I crept closer, mindful of the watchful eye above us.
"Awaken, warrior! Rise, and serve your new master!" This came from the grey jet with an ego about the size of  a demon's. Another robot emerged, a huge green one with red eyes, and he banged his fists together. He loomed over the jet. "Skyquake serves only one master!" He declared, probably meaning the master that had most likely buried him here for whatever reason. However, Mr. Ego didn't seem to get the hint.
"Excellent! Your loyalty and devotion will set a fine example for the troops. No need to be timid, Skyquake, you may bow."
"You fail to grasp my meaning," the green giant said. "I am here on a mission, assigned to me by my one master, Megatron!" Told you, Mr.Ego. I said to myself. "Yes, him," Mr.Ego said. "Sadly, Lord Megatron is no longer with us," he said, not sounding that sorry. "Impossible!" The green giant exclaimed. Suddenly, my brothers and I heard a strange sound, and hid. We peeked over a rock, and saw two more robots! One was taller, and he was red and blue. The other was yellow and black. Suddenly, I felt an itch in my brain, like I'd seen them before. I also noticed that some parts on them corresponded to different parts of a car. The yellow one beeped something, and the other replied, "No, Bumblebee, it does not. Hold your position, and await my command." The yellow one stayed put, while the other armed himself with weapons that were somehow in his hands? Okay then. We decided to make our way back to Skyquake and the self-proclaimed Starscream.
"It has been a while, Skyquake," the huge red and blue robot was saying.
"Optimus Prime! I haven't seen you since the battle of Technar. Megatron ordered me to annihilate you."
"That was a long time ago," the other replied.
"That may be, but my orders still stand!" Skyquake was loyal, I'll give him that.
"Is this ancient war still worth fighting, when so many comrades have been lost, and worlds destroyed? If you want to be a true leader, Starscream, then stray from Megatron's path, and lead the Decepticons towards peace!" Optimus seemed like the good guy here.
"I would be willing to consider a truce, if you would be willing to bow before me, Optimus Prime."
I groaned mentally, smacking my head on a rock. This guy had a bigger ego than Crowley, and that's saying something.
"Again?! Bow to this!" Skyquake backhanded Starscream into the canyon wall. Starscream left to the top of the cliff next to Mr.Creepy. I grinned. Evil or not, I kind of liked him.
"Skyquake! This is a new era, on another world!" Another world? Holy- "Side with the Autobots, and help me end this conflict forever!" This Optimus character was persistent, I'll give him that.
"I will never side with a Prime!" Skyquake snapped. The two got into battle stances. I looked at my brothers. We needed to get out of here. I shifted, and accidentally knocked down a few rocks. Nothing too noticeable, but unfortunately, someone noticed.
Soundwave's POV
Starscream had left to check out the signal, and I was left to record the brewing fight. Suddenly, some falling rocks caught my attention. I saw three humans, two males and a female, spying on the fight. I grinned internally. Those pests were probably associated with the Autobots. I discreetly sent a tentacle after them as the fight between the Autobots and Skyquake drew to a close, intending to grab the tallest one. Unfortunately, the woman glimpsed my tentacle, and pushed the other out of the way, allowing herself to be grabbed instead. I quickly withdrew my tentacle, wrapping it around her mouth so she couldn't scream. She actually put up a pretty good fight, and the males yelled at me to let her go, but I quickly shoved her into my subspace. Our brief brawl was heard by the Autobots who had just finished off Skyquake. Optimus and Bumblebee ran towards me, but I quickly transformed and left, throwing the human in my cockpit, and injected her with something to knock her out. Then, I used my internal groundbridge to take her to the brig, where I silently ordered the vehicons to string her up like they had Agent Fowler.
"Soundwave! If you are listening, I have found our master! He's very unwell. We must transport him to sickbay, immediately." Starscream spoke to me through Lazerbeak's ears. I immediately opened the space bridge and ordered the medbay to be ready for Megatron's arrival. Starscream came through the bridge with a beat up, nearly dead warlord. We rushed him to stasis just in time. Then, I informed Starscream of our prisoner. He gave an evil grin. "Wake her! It's time to interrogate the weaker of the humans, the woman! For they are easily fooled and are absolute cowards! She'll cave in mere moments, I assure you!"
I couldn't help it, but a small part of me doubted him. She seemed stronger than any humans I had previously encountered-not that I had encountered that many, but still. She seemed different. I followed Starscream to the brig, curious to see how this would play out. I decided to try a method of interrogation that was common among Decepticons, but we have not been able to try it on humans. I was going to try the cortical psychic patch while she was asleep. However, I didn't inform Starscream of this for obvious reasons. We didn't have to wait long for her to wake. Once she did, she lifted her head and looked at us, and unusual and strange calm in her demeanor. There was almost no fear in her entire demeanor. I knew immediately she would be hard to crack. But not impossible. Everyone has weaknesses. She tilted her head.
"Well! Aliens, huh? Believe it or not you are most likely not the strangest creatures I've seen in my lifetime."
Well, that was an interesting way to begin an interrogation.
I hope whoever reads this enjoys it! Sorry if the storyline is off a bit. I recently started season 7 of Supernatural, so I don't have all of the puzzle pieces quite yet.
❤️Soundwave's Wife❤️

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