Chapter #1

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Song is Legends Never Die by League of Legends.
The three siblings were sitting at a bar getting wasted, which was usual after a long hunt. They had just cleared out a pack of werewolves with minimal damage to themselves. With Castiel killed by the Leviathin, the three needed a win. Which they got, considering how many lives they saved. They never got credit for it, but they didn't care. Saving people's lives was reward enough. They did need to be careful to stay off the radar of the Leviathin, though, since you never know who they possessed. Bobby had been working hard on research, looking for weaknesses. The Winchesters were actually looking for them, and picking up a case or three on the way.
"Well! If it isn't my favorite Winchesters! I thought I might find you here! I've got a strange case for you!"
The three were greeted by one who was obviously a hunter. He was huge, and had a booming voice.
"Hush!" Hazel hissed at him. "Trying to lay low over here!"
"My apologies," he replied, pulling up a chair as Dean ordered him a beer. "But I do have a strange case y'all might want to check out. I'd do it myself, but I'm in the middle of tracking a Vamp nest a few towns over."
"What's the case?" Sam leaned forwards, excited. "Aw, come on, we just finished this one!" Dean complained. Hazel cleared her throat at him. He rolled his eyes but shut up. The man continued. "It's in the small town of Jasper, Nevada. There have been reports of some people seeing a handful of very well taken care of cars driving themselves. Sometimes there are three high school kids they see hanging around them, sometimes it looks like they are talking to the vehicles. Thought y'all might want to check it out."
The three exchanged looks. This most certainly was their kind of thing. The hunter gave them all the info he had, and then they all left to their crappy hotel to get a night's rest.
Hazel's POV
Sam and I had only been back from Hell for a couple of months. When Sam, Lucifer, and Michael fell in, I had gotten caught in the middle, and dragged down with them. It had later been revealed that Cas had been the one to get us out, although we were missing our souls. I still have vivid nightmares of that place, especially after Castiel broke the walls in mine and Sam's minds which keep the worst of the memories out. I huffed; I was still mad at him, although that anger lessened when he died. I laid down in my and Sam's shared bed for the night. I know what you're thinking; weird right? Well, Sam and I are twins, so it doesn't really bother us. After tossing and turning for a while, I finally fell asleep.
The pain...
So much pain...
I could feel the sharp claws of Lucifer...
I could hear his laughter as he dug into me...
I could hear the screams of my brother-also tortured in the Cage...
So much pain...
Would it ever end?
I could hear myself begging for death, but I'm already dead...
Was there no escape?
The red-hot pain coursed through me...
Never stopping...
I hear my name.
"Hazel! Wake up!"
I jolted awake and sat up suddenly, gasping. As my eyes adjusted, I saw the concerned faces of my brothers looking at me.
"You were screaming and jolting around. Are you okay?" Dean asked me. Sam, however, gave me a knowing look. He knew about my nightmares, and could guess about what they were about.
"Hey Dean, can you get me some water please?" I asked quietly, my voice hoarse. Dean nodded and got up. I wanted to talk to Sam alone. I knew Dean had also gone to Hell, but this was different. Sam was my twin, and we told each other everything. Plus, even though Dean went to Hell, the Cage was worse. Sam knelt next to me.
"Another nightmare about the Cage?" He asked me quietly. I nodded, looking at my hands. He sighed, and pulled me into his arms.
"They're getting worse, Sammy," I whispered. "I can barely sleep anymore."
He sighed, shaking his head sadly, and held my tighter. I looked up at him.
"Do you still see Lucifer?" I asked.
He looked down. I frowned, and hugged him tighter. We stayed that way until Dean came back with a drink. I pulled away from Sam slightly, and sipped it. Dean sat next to me and hugged me from the side. None of us said anything, but we didn't need to. After a while, Dean moved to his bed, and I tried to go back to sleep, but it was no use. I got up at around 4:30, and did some research on the town we were headed to next. I could tell that the town was even smaller than I anticipated. I hoped they had a motel. The boys got up a couple of hours later. Then, we ate breakfast and left.
First chapter...hope y'all enjoy!!
❤️Soundwave's Wife❤️

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