Chapter #3

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Song is Impossible by James Arthur.
Optimus was relieved when Jack's shift finally ended, and he climbed into his cab.
"Thanks for picking me up, Optimus," the boy said. "I take it Arcee was on a mission?"
"Yes, young one." The Prime responded. "I have a question for you. Have you ever heard of the term "Hell", and perhaps the name "Lucifer"? Jack nodded. "Yes. It's debatable on whether or not it exists, but Hell is a horrible place where some people go when they die. Lucifer, often called the Devil, rules it. Why do you ask?"
Optimus hummed. "I heard a disturbing conversation earlier. A young man and woman were talking about "getting tortured in Hell by Lucifer". They mentioned someone named Dean had been there as well, and apparently the young man, Sam I believe his name was, was seeing illusions of Lucifer everywhere. They talked about how their trip was worse than Dean's, and it was overall very disturbing."
Jack's eyes widened. "Well, maybe they're spies or something, and those were code words, although I can't imagine having hallucinations...maybe he's having hallucinations of someone who tortured him, and Lucifer is a code name." Optimus frowned inwardly. He wasn't sure that was true. It was clear the two had thought no one was watching them. Why would they use code words? It still bothered him, but he dropped the subject with Jack, and asked him how his shift went. Once they got to the base, Jack went to the balcony, where Raf and Miko were playing video games. Optimus walked over to the computer to research Hell and Lucifer. What he found disturbed him. If the two he heard talking really had been there, then they must have unmatched strength, as the tortures described were horrifying. Then something occurred to him. How would they have gotten out? He searched for a while, but the results were pretty much the same. Only an Angel could rescue someone from Hell. He looked up Angels, and there were rather mixed conceptions. Some pictures showed fat kids on clouds with wings, a halo, and harp, others showed them as warriors, others as guardians, and a few more. There were also mixed views on whether or not Angels and Heaven were even real. At this point, Ratchet, his best friend, interrupted his research.
"What is it that you are researching, Optimus?"
"I heard a strange conversation today while waiting for Jack, and I wished to know more about it."
He explained the conversation, and Ratchet glanced over the research.
"It seems, old friend, that Hell is very much like our Pits, and Lucifer like our Unicron. If these humans have indeed faced both, then they must have untold strength. But perhaps Jack is right, and those were code words," Optimus said. Suddenly, something occurred to him. "Sam and Dean...I've seen those names before, on a "poster"or something." He typed the names in, and was shocked at what he found. He saw pictures of all three of them, along with their names: Dean, Sam, and Hazel Winchester. He recognized the last two as the ones who he overheard. He also discovered there was a nation-wide hunt for them, as they filmed themselves shooting up a place in Washington DC that same day. He frowned. How could this be? He had seen them at the restaurant that day. He also discovered that their father had apparently lied to them, telling them that monsters such as werewolves, vampires, and others, were real. They had allegedly killed a lot of people themselves, claiming they were monsters. Then, he found reports of people who swear up and down that those three saved their lives. Optimus pondered this. Normally, he would brush it off, that these people were insane, but he had seen them that day at Jack's work. How could they be in two places at once? And he knew that they couldn't drive all the way to Nevada after the shooting, as the shooting only occurred a couple of hours before he saw them, and there was no way they could get on a plane. Their faces were all over the news. Something wasn't right here. He decided he would watch them, and see if they tried anything. If they did, and he missed something, then he would stop them, no matter the cost.
❤️Soundwave's Wife❤️

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