Gargano's Big Mistake.

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After some dinner and a relaxing shower. I got ready for bed only for a rapid knock on the door. I answered it and found a nearly in tears Candice.
"Candice?!" I asked as she started crying and fell into my arms. I closed the door and held her close. "What's the matter? What happened?"
"Johnny and I had a fight. And he doesn't want me to continue with our training. And when I told him I wanted to." I slid my hands over her left forearm and she cringed. I rolled her pink long sleeve up and what I saw nearly sent me into a rage. A long bruise going from her wrist to her elbow. "He grabbed my arm. So I left and called Regal and asked for your address."
I slid my left arm under her legs and she wrapped her right arm around my neck, I then picked her up and took her to my room. "Wait here okay?" She nodded. I left her alone for a few minutes while I gathered up a few medical supplies and returned to her. She was asleep when I entered the room. I smiled as I I slowl approached the bed. And put down the bandages, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and aloe vera on the bedside table. Poured the hydrogen peroxide on a rag and dabbed it ever so gently on her left forearm. She seethed and squirmed in her sleep, once I was done with the hydrogen peroxide, I folded the rag in half and poured a little rubbing alcohol on it and gently dabbed it over the hydrogen peroxide and once I was done with that I put the rag on the bedside table and grabbed the aloe vera and squirted a little droplet or two of aloe on her forearm and put the bottle back on the table and same as I had with the hydrogen peroxide and the rubbing alcohol after it. I gently rubbed the aloe into her skin. When I was done with the creams and fluids. I wrapped her forearm in the bandage and some gauze. Once I finished. I kissed her forearm, got up and kissed her cheek. "Sleep well, Candice." I'll check out your injury in the morning. From now on. You'll be staying here." Nobody will harm you here. I promise." I kissed her forehead and left the room, turned off the lights and closed the door. I walked outside and called Regal. "Hey, William."
'Daniel. What can I do for you?' He asked.
"First of all, I want to thank you for giving Candice my address." I smiled.
'She found you did she?' He replied.
"Yes, she did. But that's beside the point. She showed up in tears and with a bruised left forearm." I told him.
'That so? Hmm. Well I'll report him to Hunter."
"No. I'll take care of him. At NXT Takeover: Tampa." I told him.
'Okay. What kind of match?' He asked.
"A Hell's Playground Brawl." I said.
'I'll make the arrangements.' Regal said.
"Okay. Talk to you later William."
'Same here, Daniel.' He yawned. I hung up and walked back inside, and headed to my room and laid next to Candice. On top of the blankets of course. I fell asleep soon after I rested my head on the pillow.

Close to two hours later, Candice woke up and saw the neatly bandaged and wrapped left forearm. Then looked to me.
She smiled as I slept but the moment she attempted to leave the bed I woke up and asked, "You okay?" She looked at me and smiled.
"I'm fine. I'm just gonna use the rest room. You can go back to sleep Dan. By the way, nice job on the bandage and wrapping."
I yawned before I said, "One is glad to be of service." Which made her smile. I closed my eyes and just fell asleep. Candice used the bathroom and came back to the bed and just slowly a d gently under the covers and cuddled close to me.
I wrapped my left arm around her and pulled her against me as she fell back asleep.

The next morning I woke up to see Candice smiling at me. "Morning, Candice."
"Morning, Dan." She replied. I sat up as did she.
"Okay, let's have a look at your forearm." She slid her left arm into my hand and I I examined the bandages I put on her forearm. She smiled as she watched me check for any sore spots on the forearm when I found none. I carefully took off the wrapping and the bandages. And the bruise was almost gone. "There we go. It's not completely gone but it's slowly disappearing."
"You are amazing, Dan." She smiled. "It doesn't hurt anymore."
"Thank you." I grinned. "But I'm not going to let you out of my sight. You, will be staying here for now." She smiled. Which surprised me. "Your not even gonna protest?" She shook her head.
"No. You let me into your home. Bandaged and wrapped my forearm, and just overall took care of me."
"Okay. I have a gym in the basement that I use when I'm not feeling too well. Your welcome to use it Candice."
"Okay just let me get a shower in and we'll go down to your home gym together." I nodded as I stood up and stretched as Candice headed to the shower. I heard the shower start to run and smiled as I headed downstairs to get breakfast started.

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