NXT Takeover: Tampa, Turns Into Hells Playground.

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The next morning, I woke up to Candice holding two cups of coffee. "Morning." She smiled as she handed me a cup while I sat up.
"Morning, Candice." I grinned as I kissed her cheek and she kissed mine. "Well what's the plan for today?" I asked, taking a sip of coffee.
"Well, we have a meet and greet at the Mall at Millennia and we are scheduled to be at the Daytona house show tomorrow. So maybe after the meet and greet. We should come back here and get packed for the house show." She suggested.
"Sounds good to me, Candice." I told her. We finished our coffee's and as she got a shower in I cooked a little breakfast for both of us and she came downstairs with one of her 'Pint Sized Pixie' T's on and a pair of skinny jeans along with a pair of Nike shoes. Her hair slowly drying as she came up to the table. "Wow. You clean up nice." I chuckled as she rolled her eyes.
"So, what about you? I haven't seen you even remotely clean since I got here."
She giggled as I put left hand to my heart and extended my hand while saying, "Oh you wound me Miss."
She smiled as she snagged a plate and put a small stack of pancakes and sausages on it then went to the table afer retrieving a knife and form from the utensil drawer. She sat down and started eating as I had put a bottle of maple syrup on the table before I started cooking. After I turned off the stove and got a plate, put food onto it and retrieved a knife and fork from the utensil drawer and sat across from Candice.

After breakfast, she washed the dishes as I got a shower in for the day. While in the shower, I thought about how I would put my life on the line for Candice, especially if she was being harassed by Gargano. I thought about how she needed a new man in her life and how I hoped to be that man. But that would be completely up to her. After I dried off and changed into some clean casuals, I headed downstairs and found Candice ready for the meet and greet that was scheduled for today.

After a rather exciting meet and greet at the Mall of Millennia. We got packed and ready for the Daytona house show tomorrow. We even called it an early night so we could wake up early in the morning to head to Daytona for the house show.

At the house show the next day, me and Candice were in singles competition. She went against Bianca Belair. I went against Keith Lee. She did beautifully in her match against Bianca Belair. Even won with a roll up.
When my match came up. I was on my way to the ring when I was attacked by Gargano.
I was found by Keith and Mia. Hunter tried to take me off the card but I was adament that I could continue with the match as scheduled. So against his better judgement he let me compete and I tore that ring up. Nobody had seen the level of carnage I was
capable of that afternoon. Keith and I put on a great match for the fans and even though I beat him with a Slingshot Superfly Splash for the one, two, three victory. I helped him to his feet and we bro hugged and he raised my arm in respect. And we both made our way to the back where Candice was waiting to help me to the trainers office. Once the trainer found no broken bones or anything that would hinder me at all during training or anything. Candice and I headed to our locker room where Gargano was waiting.
"So the Daredevil actually competed destpite what we did to him." Gargano smiled.
"Yes, and at Takeover: Tampa. You will be at my mercy. Not Candice's, not anyone else's. Mine." I got into Gargano's face. "And when that bell rings at the end of our match. You will be nothing but a broken, bleeding bag of body parts. So step aside before I have fun and break you and Ciampa here and now." They left us alone as Candice and I walked into our locker room and changed into some casuals and put our ring gear back into our arena bags. Then went to our car and headed home to Orlando.

Over the next few weeks, Gargano and I  would trade barbs in interviews and promos for our match that was approaching fast at NXT Takeover: Tampa.

Two weeks before Takeover: Tampa. Candice and I were at the Performance Center getting some weight training in and were just about done when Gargano came up and started harassing her. "Enjoying your time with your new man, Candice?" He asked mockingly. I was about to rip him apart until Candice lifted her hand up, making me stop in my tracks.
"As a matter of fact, I am. Daniel treats me like a lady and it just makes me happy that at least one man knows how to show me a good time." Candice grinned as she approached me and hugged me tightly. I smiled as Gargano watched us leave the Performance Center. Steam coming from his ears.

When we got home from the Performance Center, I approached Candice as she just went out to the balcony after we got home. She was a little depressed by what said. "Hey." She looked at me and smiled weakly. "Don't let Gargano get to ya." I said as I put my hands on either side of her on the railing.
"I know Daniel. He just acts like he's the only guy for me and I know for a fact that's not true." She smiled up at me. "Because I have you."
"Speaking this, Miss. LeRae?" I asked. "What would you say to us becoming an item. Maybe after Takeover: Tampa?"
Candice thought about it. Then said, "Absolutely."
I grinned and leaned in to kiss her as she turned to face me. "Permission to kiss my future girlfriend?" I asked.
"Granted. But unfortunately it will be a while before you can kiss her again. Although I may take liberties and kiss him." She giggled as I smiled.
"Fair enough." I kissed Candice and she slid her hands behind my head and held me in place. When she let go. The smile on her face was wall to wall teeth.
"You are an amazing kisser. I may have to amend what I said about you not being able to kiss me for a while." She giggled.

When NXT Takeover: Tampa came around, Candice didn't have a match so she wanted to come with me to ringside.
"I am not going to let you put your life at risk at ringside." She started to frown. "But. If you really, really want to." I pulled a rectangular box from my arena bag. "Wear this. I promise its nothing risque." I said handing it to her.
She opened it and found a dark red jacket with her name on the right front side of the jacket.
"Ohh, Daniel." She pulled it out of the box and slipped it on over her black shirt. "It fits perfectly." She smiled.
"I was hoping that it would." I grinned. She slid into my arms and I held her tightly against me. "You just promise me that you will come back here if things get too dangerous out there."
"I promise baby." She pulled away from me just enough to kiss me. And I grinned when I pulled away.
"You are an amazing woman, Candice." I told her.
"And you. My Daredevil, are an amazing man." She kissed me one more time before lacing her arm with mine as we headed to the gorilla. When my music hit we made our way to the ring and Johnny was in the ring and was furious when he saw Candice wearing the jacket I gave her. When I got in the ring she blew me a kiss as she sat next to the time keeper. When the bell rang starting the match. I went after Gargano and just laid into him with every big, heavy hitting move I had learned over the years.

45 minutes into the match, Gargano and I were near the stage and he attempted to clothesline me but I ducked and kicked him in the gut and set him up for a package piledriver and got real close to the edge of the stage and performed Fear Factor and went through a plywood plank that covered the tech trucks wire bed. I slowly covered Gargano as the referee counted the one, two,three victory for me. I slowly climbed out of the wire bed and Candice ran over and hugged me tightly, then helped me up and assisted me to the trainers office and I got checked out. And he told me to take it easy for a few days even told Candice to look after me and make sure I don't overdo anything like training or anything. She smiled at the trainers order.
"You got it, doc." She smiled. I grinned at her enthusiasm.
When the trainer let us go to our locker room. We immediately got ready and went home.

Candice drove the entire way home and when we got home, she helped me into the apartment and we cooked a simple meal for dinner and went to bed after we cleaned the dishes and cups from the potatoes and gravy dinner. Dried them and put them away.

When we were changed into our sleepwear and in bed. Candice cuddled up close to me and rested her head on my left shoulder. "I'm so glad your okay, baby." She smiled.
"I am too. That Fear Factor was a big risk for me to pull off." I kissed her forehead.
"I agree. Please promise me that you won't do that move unless you really have to." She looked at me concerned.
"I promise, Candice." I grinned.
"Good. Now I have to call around for a divorce lawyer tomorrow. And her the ball rolling on that." She said.
"You'll find someone who will take the case Candy sweetie." I replied.
"Thanks for the confidence boost, baby." She grinned. "Well, goodnight, baby."
"Goodnight, Candy." We kissed each other, and I turned off the light. We closed our eyes and fell fast asleep.

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