Part 7 Catching Up

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No One P.O.V

Nexis and Chelia walked through the city together while talking about there lives.

"And that's how I beat my classmate at magic tricks by simple trying his shoe laces together, but we laughed it off after" Nexis explained whilst walking with hands in his pocket.

Chelia was walking on a gaurdrail while listen to Nexis with her hands out and laughed at his story.

"You've must've had some lovely friends!" Chelia said hopping down and smiling at him with her hands behind her back.

Her smile soon turned into a pout.

"Meanwhile I was here feeling lonely because of you" She said facing away from him.

"Eh!? Aw c'mon Chelia I said I'd come back and I did right!" Nexis said hugging her from behind.

Chelia giggled wanting the attention.

"I know I'm just messing with you" Chelia said turning around and lightly punching his chest.

Nexis took her hand and looked into her eyes.

"It hurt me being away from you too y'know"

Chelia held his hand tightly never wanting to be apart from him again.

"Hey I know, how about I take you on a ride in my new whip" Nexis suggested taking out his motorcycle from a magic circle.

"Connect Please!"

Chelia's eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Oh wow! I've never been in one of these before!" Chelia said letting go of his hand to admire the design.

"Shall we?" Nexis said getting on the front seat. Chelia wrapped her arms around his stomach while sitting on the back seat.

Now that she was here she was suddenly nervous. Nexis didn't hold back and went as fast as he could momentarily doing a wheely as soon as he started riding.

"WOAH WOOOOO!" Chelia screamed feeling her hair blow in the wind.

She was both excited and terrified.

"Oh wow! We're going so fast!" Chelia said pressing there body's closer together.

'He's so warm...' Chelia thought. All her adrenaline died down when she remembered Nexis wouldn't let anything happen to her. That's the kind of trust they had.

They continued site seeing so that Nexis could familiarize himself with the town passing by a bakery other guilds etc.

All while Nexis ignored the two globes pressing against his back.

'She's grown in more ways than one I see' Nexis thought.

The atmosphere around them grew quit but not uncomfortable. The two just enjoyed one another's presence in a way the ride was relaxing.

Chelia pondered to herself weather or not she should come clean on how she feels.

"Hey Nexis I-"

"HAAAA!" Someone far away interrupted.

"That sounded like trouble!" Nexis said turning in that direction.

The two mages spotted a pre teen protecting a kid from a hostile wizard and drove right past said wizard nearly knocking him off his feet. Nexis than spun around and shot the mage several while getting off his bike.

"Sorry I was late Phantom Force wizard" Nexis said greeting him.

"Your the ring bearing wizard!"

Chelia got off the bike two grabbing Nexis by the shoulders.

"Actually he's a lamia scale Wizard now! We both are!" She said.


"Sa showtime" They both said pointing at one another.

They engaged the mage in close quarters combat. Although what he was doing in town was still a mystery.

Chelie jumped off the mages wrists gracefully backflipping and landing next to Nexis.


He said throwing spikes at the two.

"Woah! Down boy!" Nexis said taking Chelia's hand and jumping to the nearest roof.

To synchronize with Chelia even more he decided to equip something that was more of her element.


Nexis Hair changed green as did everything that was originally red on his clothing.

"Sugou!" Chelia said stating how awesome he was.

Nexis threw Chelia at the mage as she kicked past him with Nexis soon behind being carried by green air.

He slashed passed him too as Chelia hopped over him and kicked him at the same time as Nexis sky punched him.


Chelie backflipped kicked him while Nexis used and uppercut and both there windy magic sent him flying to the sky.

The tag team than proceeded to fly and hit him while was in mid air ending it with a double kick that sent him flying to the ground.

They landed on there feat proud of there work and Nexis was just about ready to finish this.

"Final" Nexis said putting on a ring on his right hand.


Nexis put his hand in a green magic circle growing it 10X it's original size and spun around knocking the mage passed 3 buildings.

Such brute force. Chelia squealed at how awesome that was.

"WOW! YOUR AMAZING! WHAT KIND OF SPELL WAS THAT! OH! CAN I SEE! CAN I SEE?" Chelia said prying the ring off his finger.

Nexis didn't mind.

These two have known each other since they were kids. So there teamwork being this good shouldn't be all that surprising.

Fairy Tail Cheila and Nexis The Final HopeWhere stories live. Discover now