Forever Fall

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A/n:takes place when they get to Forever Fall because when I made that chapter about Ren it messed up the timeline. And by this I mean the time Ruby and Jaune were talking.

Y/n p.o.v
I was walking next to Team RWBY and Team JNPR but Jaune was staying behind with Cardin. I sighed as Jaune still hadn't gathered up the courage to stand up for himself. I looked at Pyrrha and she was talking to Ruby about Forever Fall and the falling leaves. Ren was for the first not paying full attention to Nora, probably because of the talk we had last night. Blake was reading a book while Yang was asking her how she could read a book while walking. Gems. Goodwitch then explained what we were doing here meaning I had to stay with the team that was responsible for me. Which was Team RWBY so I followed them to help gather some sap but I looked behind me to see Jaune about to head toward his team but Cardin stopped him. And pulled him toward his direction but Pyrrha was looking at Jaune worriedly and Jaune looked at her ashamed. I knew I couldn't watch over Jaune to make sure nothing happens to him so I just prayed to Oum that he could finally stand up for himself. And so I began to follow Ruby and her team including Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora who decided to get sap together. And while I followed them I noticed Pyrrha who still had a troubled look and I decided to talk to her.

Y/n:you worried about Jaune.

Pyrrha:yes I'm worried about him y/n.

Y/n:you still haven't given up on him have you.

Pyrrha:no I didn't give up on him. But I need him to ask for my help. I can't just force him to accept it.

Y/n:okay, and while we're waiting for him to do that let's focus on getting some tree sap.


After walking for some time we made it to an opening and decided to grab sap from here. Ren seemed to now pay attention to Nora by watching her every move while also getting sap. But Nora was able to get one entire jar in her stomach as she quickly drank while Ren was turned around. Yang looked at the small spike that was suppose to break into the tree's bark and let sap fall from it. She looked at it and gently stabbed it into the tree only for it to not pierce the bark. A couple more tries and it still doesn't pierce and she began to get angry and stabbed it into the tree with full force of her strength and as it did pierce it also let out a lot of sap that unfortunately landed on Blake. Blake looked at her annoyed and Yang began to apologize and they both began to go to a nearby stream to wash the sap off Blake. Pyrrha was normally getting sap from the tree very easily while Ruby and Weiss weren't doing so good. The tree's sap is very sticky and Ruby has managed to get a lot of it on her hand and her hand was stuck onto a tree. Weiss just shook her head and helped Ruby pull her hand off the tree and went toward the stream with Ruby to wash the sap off. I decided to stop lazying around and got more sap.

Jaune p.o.v
I stood on a high cliff that was near Y/n and the others who were now done and were now exploring around the forest together. Cardin and his team were around me also looking at them and Cardin tells me to throw the jar of sap at Pyrrha. After hearing that I knew this was a serious choice if I chose to save Pyrrha then Cardin would reveal my secret. But if I help Cardin then Pyrrha will hate me for life and I would end up hurting her. And in that moment I chose to save Pyrrha and so I threw the jar at Cardin covering his chest in sap. He gritted his teeth and pulled me up by my collar I just smiled and told him to do his worse. And he grits his teeth and gets ready to punch me and as his fist connects to my face I felt my aura suddenly grow as I hope for the pain to lessen. And then a bright light blinds Cardin, myself, and his team and when the light fades Cardin dropped and is now holding his hand in pain. He told me that punching him felt like punching a metal shield and I look at my hands and see my aura glowing. After seeing that I learn what I just did, I had just used my semblance meaning I did have my family's semblance. I smiled happily but the happiness soon faded as Cardin and his team get ready to beat me up. I looked at them fearless and got ready but a massive ursa broke through the trees behind them and roared. His team ran away in fear at the size of the Grimm Cardin just stood there afraid. The Grimm raised its claw slashing it toward Cardin but I quickly push him down to dodge the attack. I quickly stood up and grabbed my weapons and got into a stance. And I began to fight the Grimm I tried to stab it but I missed and the Grimm smacked my shield breaking my stance due to the sheer force of the blow. The Grimm then tried to slash at my stomach but I used my semblance and willed my aura to amplify itself and Grimm recoiled in pain. I also felt the pain but it was softened from my aura being amplified around my stomach. I could feel myself getting tired after only using my semblance 2 times meaning I had to end it on one last attack. And so I waited for the grimm to strike and it swung its claws toward my chest and I amplify my aura. Causing the Grimm to recoil back in pain and giving me an opening to cut off its head and so I ignore the softened pain I felt from the strike and swing my sword and cut off its head. And once I did I stood there tired and looked at Cardin he stood up and thanked me and I told him to never mess with me or my team and he just nods. I then hear people clapping and see Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha, and y/n clapping I just smiled and walked up to them. And as I walked up to them I told y/n about me discovering my aura and he just pats my back and tells me that I did a good job standing up for myself. I smiled at him and looked to Pyrrha who seemed to be looking anywhere but at me. I walked up to her and she looks at me and I tell her to meet me at Beacon's roof and she smiles and nods at me.


Pyrrha p.o.v
I was on the roof of Beacon standing in front of Jaune who looked back at me he smiled and said.

Jaune:Pyrrha I was wrong I do need your help.


Jaune:I'm sorry for getting mad at you even though you were only trying to help.

Pyrrha:apology accepted.

Jaune:so will you train me.

I smile at him and sweep his legs causing him to fall on his back. He groans in pain and I look at him telling that training starts now. He looked up at me and smiled and began to get up and I helped him get into a fighting stance.

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