Can't Remeber to Forget You

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Oneshot idea by @evelations21 :) Thank you for your great idea. Hope you enjoyed!

Every time they went up against Psimon, it was a pain. The team had to heavily rely on M'gann, expect to be brain blasted, and watch out for anything he could physically and mentally throw at them. He was powerful. His telepathy and telekinesis rivaled M'gann's and could rival Martian Manhunter's, as well. Not to mention Psimon was just extremely annoying.

Wally wasn't pleased to be assigned on another mission to defeat the telepath. Usually the league would thrown him into Belle Reve, but Queen Bee would bail him out. It was repeating cycle that always ended in a headache. Advil did not work with his fast metabolism.

However, the mission only got a lot worse. It was the team against Psimon. They had him surrounded in a circle. Suddenly they got the familiar ringing in their ears and the pounding migraine that developed at the back of their skulls. All of them started to groan in pain, but M'gann saved them before they could pass out. All of them sighed in relief and got back into fighting positions. But then there was abrupt scream of agony by one of the team members.

Psimon was forgotten and the team's attention was to the member that screamed. Wally thought it would be M'gann, Zatanna, or Raquel. To his horror, it was Artemis. She was on the ground, screaming in pain. Her hands gripped at her head. M'gann and Wally ran up to her in mere seconds.

"Artemis!" The speedster cried out as he kneeled next to her. He tried to rest his hands on her body but she was kicking too much. M'gann kneeled down on the other side of Artemis. The Martian's eyes glowed.

"I can't reach her mind," The alien exclaimed in worry.

"Brain blast her, M'gann! Knock her unconscious!" Wally yelled at her. He grabbed Artemis' legs to keep her from kicking Miss. Martian. She needed before her eyes closed again. A second later Artemis went limp and was breathing like she was asleep.

"Good luck with your little friend," Psimon chuckle. The team had been distracted by Artemis and hadn't attacked him yet. Wally was already on the move but Superboy tackled the telepath before the speedster could get his hands on him.

In between punches, Superboy yelled, "What did you do to her!?" He couldn't answer Conner, as his head was being beaten into the ground. It wasn't until Aqualad yelled at him to stop that he stopped punching Psimon.

"If it wasn't for M'gann, you all would've been destroyed," Psimon spat out along with a mixture of spit and blood.

Wally stood up and snarled, "If you hurt her, I swear to god I will k-

-Enough, KF. Let's get her back to the cave," Robin came up to Wally and put a hand on his shoulder. The redhead took a deep breath before looking down at Artemis. Kaldur was bending down to pick her up. Wally would have done it himself, but he thought his arms may have been too weak to carry her. "Come on, Bud."

"Artemis is stable an awake," Dinah addressed the team, "However, her mind is in fragments. She can only remember when she was fourteen and different traumas she's endured at a different parts of her life. For her sake, we recommend making only small talk."

"We have suspicion to believe that Psimon was planning to fragment all of your brains, as well. M'gann's abilities were able to save your minds. For whatever reason, her range was bit short. But the little bit of your presence, M'gann, was able to keep Artemis from being completely brain dead. Job well done, team. You are dismissed," Batman stated. Once Black Canary and Batman walked away, M'gann broke down crying.

"This is all my fault!" She buried her face into Conner's shirt. He rubbed her back and tried to calm her down.

Robin shook his head, "Without you, Artemis would have been lost forever. I'm sure J'onn is helping her right now."

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