Chapter 12

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A/N: sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes! I only just realise how behind I am with updates. oops. So here you go! Some cute Bender moments! Enjoy! Also, I hope you are all taking care of yourself during these hard times! Stay safe and don't forget to wash your hands!


You're sitting in your chair stiffly, pointing finger tapping a rhythm on the table as your glaze will occasionally wander over to Bender's seat. He should be sitting in it right now if he hadn't decided to play the hero. That's the one thing that's confusing you. Why did he suddenly suffice himself? Perhaps he has developed a soft spot for you and the group? Could that mean you could be friends with him even after detention?

You frown at yourself. 'Why do I care if we can be friends or not?' You wonder. But you couldn't deny it. You like Bender. He's charming, funny, confident and knows how to have fun. If that doesn't spell trouble, then you're not sure what does. After all, being in the tough situation you are now with your family. Having fun doesn't sound that bad.

There's also the very obvious fact that he's attractive. That's always a plus but not necessary.

You shake your head and look around the room. Trying to distract yourself from worrying about Bender. You take in how the rest of the group are sitting in their self assign seats. The room is quiet as thick tension clouds the room. As if everyone is waiting for some dramatic conflict to occur, or for Bender to come waltzing in. All loud and confident.

Seems like you're getting both.

The sound of the door echos throughout the room. You sit up in your seat and stare anxiously at the door. "Bender" you whisper as you watch him walk in the room with Vernon behind him.

"Get your stuff, let's go!" Vernon harshly orders Bender as he walks forward to the seat next to you. "Mr Wiseguy here has taken it upon himself to go to the gymnasium. I'm sorry to inform you, you're going to be without his services for the rest of the day." Vernon explains to the group. Yet you half-listen to him and focus on Bender who stands next to you. You give him a worried look.

Bender looks up from grabbing his coat that's on his chair and silently reassure you with a simple shake of his head. Suddenly, he takes his seat. Sitting next to you as if Vernon isn't standing in front of the group. This only furthers confuse you on his actions. Bender notices the worried and confuses look on your face. After a beat, as if he's thinking over his actions, Bender quickly reaches out and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. Before letting go and turning to Vernon.

If it wasn't for the circumstances. You would be impressed by how you and Bender were able to communicate silently. Along with demanding an explanation of why he grabbed your hand. Yet you're grateful for the action, regardless.

"B-O-O H-O-O!" Bender spells out as he looks at Vernon. Mocking him. "Everything's a big joke, huh Bender? The false alarm you pulled, Friday, false alarms are really funny, aren't they," Vernon reveals. Causing you to turn to Bender with wide surprise eyes.

"That was you?" you quietly whisper to Bender with a faint recollection of the alarm that rang during your English class. Bender spares you a quick glance. Feeling a slight swell of pride in his actions.

"What if your home, what if your family," Vernon pause as if contemplating if he should say what he has in mind. "What if your dope was on fire?" ah, that makes sense for the hesitation.

"Impossible, sir...It's in Johnson's underwear" Bender answer with a straight face. You try not to look at Brian. Not wanting to give support to the statement. But from the corner from your eye, you can see Brian tensing up. Possibly internally panicking.

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