Why is my class stupid?

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All Might - Dad_Might
Eraserhead - Catzawa
Present Mic - Cockatoo
Snipe - Snape
Thirteen - Houston
Nezu - Tea_Rat
Power Loader - BobTheBuilder
Midnight - Not_For_Kids
Vlad King - Mosquito
Best Jeanist - DaddyLegs
Endeavour - Volcano
Hawks - Chicken
Gang Orca - FreshMeat
Mt. Lady - Giraffe
Kamui Woods - WalkingTree
Ms. Joke - Joker
Ectoplasm - Double_Trouble
Cementoss - RockingIt
Recovery Girl - Kissing_Granny


Mosquito: Ever told you about my stupid class with stupid students?

Tea_Rat: Don't call students stupid!

Catzawa: No. Have I ever told you about my stupid class with stupid students?

Tea_Rat: Stop call them stupid!

Catzawa: Your class isn't at least problematic

Mosquito: ArE yOu SuRe AbOuT tHaT?

Catzawa: What's with those letters?

Mosquito: I saw it on internet and it looked cool

Catzawa: Looks stupid

Mosquito: Thanks

Mosquito: But why did I called my class stupid...

Catzawa: Nobody cares

Not_For_Kids: I mean, It's true

Mosquito: You're "great" friends

Not_For_Kids: I know <3

Catzawa: I never said we're friends

Not_For_Kids: Oh wow, Aizawa

Mosquito: Why are you bullying me?

Catzawa: Because I can

Chicken: I just joined, scrolled up chat and seeing Aizawa roasting Vlad

Chicken: So glad I'm in this group chat

Double_Trouble: Me too

Not_For_Kids: How long have you been here?

Double_Trouble: All the time

Double_Trouble: Never thought Aizawa could roast someone

Joker: Wait... Grumpy cat roasted someone?

Catzawa: Yes, now go away

Cockatoo: He's in mood today

Mosquito: Noticed

Mosquito: Can I now tell you why Is my class stupid?

Joker: Yes! I like blackmail

Chicken: Go on my bloody friend

Catzawa: You don't have friends

Chicken: Thanks

Mosquito: You know Kuroiro?

Not_For_Kids: Pitch black dude?

Mosquito: Yep

Mosquito: He came to dorms "Living room"

Mosquito: And started screaming: "PLEASE DON'T DO COCAINE, HEY!" infront of Komori

Mosquito: Then he started blushing and ran away

Mosquito: He started screaming in his room

Mosquito: And Monoma was recording whole thing

Mosquito: Then came Kamakiri and started doing something wierd

Mosquito: And Honenuki said: "Seems legit"

Mosquito: LIKE WHAT?!

Not_For_Kids: Why didn't they invited me?!

Joker: Ask Monoma for video and send it to me

Mosquito: Are you kidding?!

Joker: A lil' bit, yes. Because they're kids

Mosquito: Stop with those puns for once!

Mosquito: I literally almost died from headache

Catzawa: When did that happend

Mosquito: Like hour ago

Joker: I need to start teaching on that school

Snape: Wait!

Snape: That really happened?

Mosquito: Unfortunely, yes

Snape: They took my advice

Snape: I'm so proud

Mosquito: That was YOUR idea?!

Snape: No

Snape: I just gave them advice to annoy they teacher

Mosquito: That's not advice!

Snape: For you, no. For them, yes

Joker: @Tea_Rat can I start working on that school?

Tea_Rat: Don't you teaching somewhere else?

Catzawa: Yes! She's teaching somewhere else and I want to keep it that way

Joker: Your school is more funnier


Tea_Rat: Maybe next year. It would be confusing

Joker: Awww :c

Catzawa: YEEEEES!

Catzawa: I'm probably not teaching next year

Tea_Rat: Really?

Catzawa: Not sure

Tea_Rat: Okay

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