Jeanist is drunk

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All Might - Dad_Might
Eraserhead - Catzawa
Present Mic - Cockatoo
Snipe - Snape
Thirteen - Houston
Nezu - Tea_Rat
Power Loader - BobTheBuilder
Midnight - Not_For_Kids
Vlad King - Mosquito
Best Jeanist - DaddyLegs
Endeavour - Volcano
Hawks - Chicken
Gang Orca - FreshMeat
Mt. Lady - Giraffe
Kamui Woods - WalkingTree
Ms. Joke - Joker
Ectoplasm - Double_Trouble
Cementoss - RockingIt
Recovery Girl - Kissing_Granny


Joker: I have a problem...

WalkingTree: Where did you fell this time?

Joker: Not this problem!

Joker: It's actually like two meters tall problem

Giraffe: Wait, what?

Joker: I've took Jeanist to the bar

Joker: And he's drunk after like two small beers

WalkingTree: You didn't knew?

Joker: What I didn't knew?

WalkingTree: He is getting easily drunk

WalkingTree: That's why he never drinks

Giraffe: How did you even got him to bar?

Joker: I was telling him jokes

Joker: And told me to stop

Joker: I told him to go bar with me

Joker: We had little argument

Joker: But I won :)

WalkingTree: I need to try it sometime

Giraffe: Me too

Chicken: Wassup

WalkingTree: Jeanist is drunk

Chicken: Wait, what?

Joker: OMFG

Giraffe: He started using pickup lines?

Joker: Yes...

Joker: I'm a bit concerned now...

Joker: Like... Doesn't he have a girlfriend or wife or something?

Chicken: No. Most people in this chat are single

Joker: Oh

Joker: Great. Now he's telling me some story from childhood

WalkingTree: Which one?

Joker: Something about his grandma

Giraffe: Oh god

Joker: What??

Giraffe: That's a very long and a very boring Story


WalkingTree: Suffer

Chicken: You mean THAT one?

Joker: Why did you wrote "THAT"?

Giraffe: Say it and I choke you


WalkingTree: Don't do it. She's already choking chicken for our lunch. Thank God It's already dead

Chicken: I'm little concerned about Mountain now more than I'm about Joker and drunk Jeanist

WalkingTree: Same here

Joker: Oh no

WalkingTree: WHAT?!

Joker: He took his phone...

DaddyLegs: Wazzsp bicets

Chicken: What?

WalkingTree: That's it

WalkingTree: Which bar Are you?

Joker: The one with golden fish on the roof (aka Author Is very original)

WalkingTree: On my way


Giraffe: *sniff* *sniff* someone's stealing my man?!

Joker: Wait, you're together?!

Chicken: Took you long enough

DaddyLegs: I flel sovk

Chicken: What?

Joker: He's feeling sick

Joker: Oh.. I better go few steps Away

Giraffe: hope Kamui is gonna be there soon

----Next day----

FreshMeat: WAIT! Jeanist was drunk?!!!

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