Chat created

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All Might - Dad_Might
Eraserhead - Catzawa
Present Mic - Cockatoo
Snipe - Snape
Thirteen - Houston
Nezu - Tea_Rat
Power Loader - BobTheBuilder
Midnight - Not_For_Kids
Vlad King - Mosquito
Best Jeanist - DaddyLegs
Endeavour - Volcano
Hawks - Chicken
Gang Orca - FreshMeat
Mt. Lady - Giraffe
Kamui Woods - WalkingTree
Ms. Joke - Joker
Ectoplasm - Double_Trouble
Cementoss - RockingIt
Recovery Girl - Kissing_Granny


Dad_Might added Joker, Snape, Chicken and 12 more to chat.

Dad_Might changed chat name to 'Hero chat'.

Dad_Might: Hello! Because I retired from Hero job I thought it would be good idea to make Hero chat so we can contact each other any time!

Volcano: Fck you, All Might

Joker: Amazing idea!

BobTheBuilder: Someone remembered me!

Snape: Who are you? Have we ever met?

BobTheBuilder: Aw! Come on...

Chicken: I mean... It could be quite useful

Not_For_Kids: Love those nicknames tho

DaddyLegs: My words

Tea_Rat: @Catzawa @Mosquito this chat could be used even for school events

Cockatoo: YEEEAAAH

FreshMeat: You'll regret this chat...

Houston: Someone's missing...

WalkingTree: I don't know who...

Giraffe: I... Don't know either

Tea_Rat: I know who!

Tea_Rat added Kissing_Granny, Double_Trouble and RockingIt to chat.

Joker: Purrfect

Catzawa: It's not even 5 minutes and you already annyoing me

Joker: Great!

Kissing_Granny: Isn't it too early for this?

Double_Trouble: It's 3:45 PM...

RockingIt: Granny said it's early so it's early!

Double_Trouble: Why are you so mean!? :C

Not_For_Kids: Already love this chat

DaddyLegs: At least I'm not gonna be bored

Chicken: I have day off. Anyone else?

Dad_Might: I am retired and it's Sunday. So yeah, I have day off

Joker: Me too!

Mosquito: Me too

Chicken: Okay! Enjoy your day off, I'm going to buy chicken wings

BobTheBuilder: Do you know anything else than chicken wings?

Chicken: What about chicken strips?

Joker: Pfffff

Not_For_Kids: I know just chicken strip

Cockatoo: Whoa

Catzawa: Unbelievable

Joker: Unbelievebubble

Dad_Might: This chat is already ruined

FreshMeat: Told ya, buddy...


Hope you enjoyed first chapter! I'm not that good at English so... Bye! <3

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