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“ the girls had been saying that you've been weird these past few weeks ” Chaewon told. The both of them are currently at the cafeteria, getting some breakfast since their parents couldn't make one for today.

“ mind telling me? ” Chaewon saw how Sakura turned here and there, as if she's waiting for someone.

“ Chae, i really want to tell you but you might call me crazy after this ” Sakura whispered and at the same time, Song appeared on the table beside them.

“ miss me? ” he teased and Sakura just clicked her tongue. “ no shit Sherlock ” Chaewon eyes widened and Sakura's too.

She made an X with her hand, “ i didn't say that to you! i said it to— ugh ” Sakura slumped back on the table. Song's laughter filled her ears making her buried her head in her folded arm.

Chaewon raised an eyebrow, “ is there,,, someone beside us here? ” Song's eyes widened when he heard what Chaewon said and how she's pointing at him.

He gasped while Sakura shot her head up. “ you can see him? you can?? ” Sakura slumped her shoulder when Chaewon shook her head.

“ but i can sense him ” she looked at Song as he playfully winked at her but of course Chaewon doesn't know.

Sakura gasped, “ don't you wink at her, you piece of ghost! ” she scolded while Song just stucked his tongue out. “ ghost? ” Chaewon looked at her as the older froze while Song gasped.

“ so you can see him? ” Chaewon asked once more. “ yes ” Sakura answered without hesitation. “ how do i know he's here? ” Chaewon questioned. Sakura looked at him, “ do something! ” Song rolled his eyes before looking at the younger girl.

“ don't you dare check her out ” Sakura said in a threatening tone. Song put his hand up before pulling the ribbon that was tying Chaewon's hair.

It was so gentle that Chaewon couldn't tell and she shocked to see the ribbon float in the air like it was on someone's palm. Eyes widened, she turned to older girl. Sakura shrugged.

“ wait, i know. take out your phone ” but Chaewon didn't listened cause she can't hear him. Song gestured her to tell the younger girl.

“ Chae, he told you to take out your phone ” Chaewon was confused but nonetheless, obeyed.

“ open camera ” Sakura gave the next step. “ you know how camera can actually catch a picture of ghost right? ” Sakura moved from her place and snatched Chaewon's phone making the younger girl whine.

Sakura took a picture of the empty spot beside Chaewon. “ holy shit ” Sakura covered her mouth when she saw the result.

“ what unnie? ” Chaewon was interested in the result as Sakura showed the picture. Her eyes widened as she looked at the empty spot beside her. It was empty in her eyes but her thoughts and the picture doubted that.

“ holy shit. so the picture Yena unnie showed was true! ” Chaewon had her mouth wide opened at the photo. But Sakura looked back at the photo and noticed something.

“ wait. did you pose for the picture? ” her face was so funny that it got Song cracking.

“ well, it had been awhile since someone took my photo so yes ” Song told with confidence while Sakura rolled her eyes while Chaewon wanted to hear what they were saying.

“ ⁱ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ʰᵉᵃʳ ʷʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵍᵘʸˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵗᵃˡᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ,,, ” Chaewon pouted which melt both of the oldest heart. “ told her to use the voice recording ” and Sakura immediately told.

Chaewon had the recording on as Sakura and Song bickered. She stopped and heard it. It had her shook once more. So much shookness today. “ wow, you are real ” she commented as she turned on the recording again.

“ wait, wait, wait. i still can't process it. so Sakura can see this ghost that died at our school 20 years ago? ” Yujin questioned with some weird hand gestures which made Song questioned too.

“ do people now adays use weird hand gesture? ” Sakura rolled her eyes, “ no, it's a personality so don't judge ” her friends except Chaewon ( who had the recording on ) was shook.

Chaewon opened the recording and Yujin was shook at Song's comment. “ hey! don't judge me! ” Yujin threw fist at the air and it didn't even hit Song.

“ where is he right now? ” Sakura pointed to her right and Nako immediately run to Eunbi.

“ I'm absolutely harmless. i don't bite. i don't dragged someone and i don't kill someone ” Sakura can see how Song's expression dropped when he said the last few words.

“ so how did you die? ” Yena went straight to the point. Chaewon and Sakura knew it struck Song hard.

“ i was brutally killed by my friends, my body was put and cramped into the piano that i always play and two weeks after, i was finally found and now, i roamed this school that is full of ghost stories ” Chaewon ended the recording and played it.

“ I'll get going ” Song disappeared just like that.

“ he's gone ” Sakura said as she looked towards the direction Song went to. “ shit ” Yena bit her lower lip, regretted asking.

“ I'll go look for him ” Sakura stood up. “ I'll come with—  “ no thanks. I'll talk to him ” Sakura rejected the idea of Chaewon coming as she went by herself.

Silence engulfed them before Hitomi and Nako smacke the duck and everyone joined.

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