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“ okay, our exam result is tomorrow and i am so not ready ” Sakura massage her temple while Song looked at her weirdly. “ any leads on my killer? ” Sakura nodded.

“ you said the janitor felt familiar to you, right? ” Song nodded, waiting. “ he's been working for 24 years and he was the one that found your body so i don't think he's the one ” Song nodded.

“ wait, after you die, you instantly turned into a ghost? ” Sakura leaned closer.

“ y—yeah. after i was killed, i instantly became a ghost ” Song answered with weird hand gesture. “ so, did the police do any investigation on your case? ” Song thought for a second before shaking his head.

“ no, i don't think so ” Sakura sighed heavily. “ fucking polices,,, ”

“ holy shit, you're actually gonna try to open back the file for my case? are you crazy? they won't believe you! ” Song told as he followed Sakura to the police station.

“ yes, i am crazy but once i already promised, I'll really do it ” Sakura told sternly as they walked closer to the police station.

“ i have my uncle. don't worry, I'll swim my way through ” Song stared in disbelief.

The officer was at the counter felt a presence coming so she looked and was surprised to see Sakura.

“ oh Sakura! what made you come here? ” the female officer, Jihyo greeted the girl. “ can i an appointment with uncle Mitrch? ” Sakura asked as stoles glances at Song, who was sitting on the counter.

“ oh, you didn't have to ask! go ahead, he's in his office ” Jihyo pointed at the room on her right. Sakura thanked Jihyo and wasted no time.

She knocked then opened the door, revealing her uncle who is eating. He looked at her in surprised and stopped eating.

“ Sakura? why didn't Kiro tell me you were coming? ” he questioned as he drank the water from the glass.

“ mom didn't know. I'll text her but right now, that's not what I'm here to discuss about ” Sakura told which gained a questioning look from her uncle.

“ uncle, is there a filed case about a student killed 20 years ago? ” her uncle leaned against his chair as he sighed.

“ yes, there was. it's about the kid that got killed and then stuffed into the piano, huh? ” Sakura looked at Song before nodding.

“ why did you ask? ” Sakura gulped, trying to find the right words. “ have you ever found the killer? ” Sakura was in disappointment when her uncle shook his head.

“ then, you closed the file like that? without doing a proper investigation? ” her uncle sighed, “ there was no definite evidence ” Sakura slamped the table, startling Song who was watching.

“ then? that doesn't you shouldn't do a proper investigation! the killer is out there! what happened to his family? ” Song looked at Sakura in shocked.

“ Sakura, you're touching the sensitive topic now ” Song tried to stop her but it backfired.

“ you stay put! let me handle this! ” in her uncle's eyes, Sakura was shouting at the empty space but not when a memory flashed upon him.

“ just stay put! let me handle this! ” Mitrch was confused when he shouted at the empty space. “ Mitrch, I'm telling you. he's out there somewhere! ” he shouted.

“ Sakura, don't tell me—   “ what's with the shouting? ” someone interrupts. Sakura looked over to the voice. It was her mother. “ Kiro, you didn't tell me Sakura can see spirits ” Kiro, her mother was shocked upon the news. Sakura never told her.

“ Miyawaki Sakura. why didn't you tell me? have you been seeing one? be honest ” her mother voice was hard and stern that it left Sakura stiff.

“ when did you started seeing them? Miyawaki Sakura, answer me ” Sakura looked at the floor while playing with her fingers. She heard Song groaned.

“ just a few month ago. No, i didn't intended to lie to you! i wanted to tell you, after i solved everything ” Sakura told. She was only lying about the part that Chaewon also knows.

“ what about Chaewon? does she know? ” Sakura shook her head. “ Chaewon is innocent. she knows nothing ” Kiro's eyes soften.

“ what do you mean after you solved everything? Sakura, don't do something dumb ” Kiro scolded. “ mom, I'm just helping Song find his killer ” Kiro and Mitrch was shocked.

So she can see ghost or spirits. “ Sakura, don't be stupid. don't repeat history ” Sakura knows what her mother is talking about. She's saying that she's repeating the same thing as what he did.

“ I'm not repeating history! Dad died because no one took him seriously when he said that the killer is still out there! He was talking the truth but no one believed! ” Song had his eyes widened when he heard about it.

So Sakura's dad also when through the same thing. “ only after he was killed, you all finally took action! you would've be able to catch the killer earlier if you had listened to dad! ” Sakura was brimming with tears now.

Just the death of her father made her lose control.

“ I'm so done with people now adays ” Sakura went out of the room, to who knows where. Song took the pen and wrote something on the paper. Mitrch and Kiro was shocked when they saw what was written.

She wasn't lying. Maybe you should take action immediately. Who knows, maybe you won't be seeing Sakura anymore.

And with that, Song flew out to chase after the girl.

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