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General POV
The young couple walk around the fair grounds swinging their hands with a smile on their faces. It feels like nothing can ruin this moment. A few fans have come up for pictures or autographs and the two loved it.
They both felt anxious over it, but they loved seeing the tears and hearing the stories of how they have both helped their fans without realizing it. Honestly that is what they both love the most about being "famous."
"Do you want to get a shaved ice and a funnel cake, Princess?" She giggles quietly making Finn's heart flutter. She looks up to him biting her lip and nods squeezing his hand.
"What flavor shaved ice do you want?" She looks at the sign leaning into Finn's side. He kisses her head smelling her hair.
Vanilla. Like always.
"One scoop blue vanilla and one scoop cotton candy!" Finn smiles trying to picture her with a blue mouth. That would be hilarious.
"I'll get cherry so we can make purple." He smirks down at her making her gasp and push him away.
"Finn!" He laughs at how easily embarrassed she is. He pulls her into his chest smiling down at her.
"Oh cmon. We both know that we're going to end up making out tonight." She bites her lip looking down while running her hands up and down his chest.
"Who knows? Maybe it'll be more than just making out." Finn feels that familiar twitch in his pants just thinking about doing more than making out with her.
She rolls her eyes giggling and tells their order to the man. Finn watches her trying to figure out how he got lucky enough to have an amazing woman like her.
Millie hands him his cherry shaved ice then remembers Alexei loved cherry slushies and enjoyed the fair in his final moments. She giggles shaking her head and takes off her glasses putting them on Finn.
"Alexei, you're alive!" Finn laughs shaking his head.
"Oh my god. You're terrible!"
"You love it though." She giggles licking her shaved ice too lazy to use the spoon. Finn just watches her with pure admiration.
"I do. And I always will." Millie looks up to him thinking the same thing.
Finn slowly wraps his arm around her waist pulling her to him and leans down gently pressing his lips to hers. She tangles her fingers in his hair finally feeling like she can breathe.
How does one know when things have gone too far?

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