2. Like old times

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After an hour or two things had gotten really off hand. Valerio fixed me a bunch of very strong drinks while he had already drunk a lot more. I couldn't remember how we reached to the dance floor among our classmates that had already been too drunk as we all jumped at the now louder music. 

Valerio and I danced together just like old times, he had his hands always wrapped around me and didn't let go as we jumped around and screamed like lunatics. After a while the lights were off and most of the people had taken a bottle of chanpagne and opened it making us all wet. 

Somewhere between bottles that opened right directly at us Valerio grabbed me and made me jump and wrap my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. He was completely drunk which caused him to almost fall but he was strong enough to hold me up. My hair was a mess while a few hairs that escaped my loose bun had been stuck on my face on the sweat and were wet from the champagne. Valerio and I breathed heavily as our noses were already touching.

Suddenly another wave of champagne hit us and without even realising it I crushed my lips on his and he immediately kissed me back. It felt like we did it at the same time. That moment I forgot where we were and with who and the only thing I knew was that whatever I felt with Valerio was strong as hell. After a few minutes of just kissing sloppily we broke apart to catch our breath while he let me go and I landed on the ground before I almost lost my balance. 

I looked up to see his eyes among the darkness while he wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me backwards. After a few steps my back hit a wall and he immediately started sucking my skin on my neck and towards my breasts. I closed my eyes enjoying it as I tangled my fingers in his hair.


We finally arrived back home as we both were mistepping from our dizzy head. When I closed the door Valerio immediately opened the lights making me widen my eyes and close them as quickly as I could. He then started chuckling realising what he did. ''Are you this stupid?'' I asked as I chuckled along with him while we tried to go up the stairs without falling and holding hands to help each other. 

As we went upstairs Valerio grabbed a better hold of my hand and drugged me with him but I couldn't due to my very high heels. My eyes were wide as I tried to stop him and the same time get him to stop talking loudly. ''I can't stop it!'' I told him as we couldn't stop chuckling. He then dropped my hand and took off his shoes.

''Fucking finally.'' he exclaimed and laid on the pool table. I chuckled and threw the house keys on the floor while I took off my heels as well letting out a relaxed sigh. I then closed the door hoping we didn't woke my parents already.

''At last.'' I said as I walked towards him barefoot. 

''Look.'' he said and turned towards him while he held his left foot in the air. ''I lost a sock.'' he said and I started laughing again as I grabbed his foot and he placed it on my shoulder. He laughed as he had his hands behind his head.

''Who loses a sock?!'' I exclaimed and we continued to chuckle like maniacs.

''I left the house with two and now I have only one!'' he exclaimed and placed his other foor on my other shoulder.

''No one loses socks like this.'' I exclaimed and pushed his feet off my shoulders making him stood up very close to me. We stood very close to each other while I had my hands on his arms.

''I'll tell you a story.'' he started with a fake serious face. ''There was girl that went out alone.'' he started and with his hand he let my hair fall loose when he took the hair pins out. 

''No, not alone.'' I corrected him as he continued to play with my hair.

''Let me finish, will you? She was alone.'' he said and placed some stray hairs behind my ears. ''Wearing a dashing bra with lace.'' he continued and my eyes widened with a smile.

WISH TO BE YOURS| Valerio MontesinosWhere stories live. Discover now