7. Might be wrong

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''Buenos dias, señorita. Room servise has arrived.'' Valerio exclaimed, walking inside my room with a tray. I slowly opened my eyes and yawned. ''I made your favorite. Tuna sandwich with a teeny tiny piece of ginger.'' he said and placed the tray on my desk before coming to sit on the bed. I looked at him and sat up before yawing again. ''I know you better than anyone.'' he added with a smile.

''You do. That's why you know what I'm thinking right now.'' I told him and slowly got out of the bed and towards my desk to eat the sandwich.

''And what if they know?  It's not that big of a deal.'' he said proving me right about knowning what I was thinking. I turned around and looked at him.

''Valerio.'' I warned and he sighed.

''Yes, we're half siblings. But there's no taking advantage of anyone, we don't want to have kids or something. So, what's the problem?'' he said and I rolled my eyes before sitting on an armchair next to the desk.

''People are mean, Valerio. If someone knows then it wont take long for our parents to know too. Do you really want that?'' I asked him as he came and  stood behind the chair and leaned down resting his head on my shoulder.

''I only want one thing.'' he whispered in my ear and I felt shiver going through my spine. ''Just... one... thing...'' he said as he kissed my neck slowly. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling before biting my lip.

''Val...'' I breathed out and he stopped. I turned around and looked at him as we stood inches apart.

''You were the one that kissed me first, remember? I will never forget it. It was something I wanted to do a very long time.'' he whispered and I remembered last summer when all this started.

''You have to understand...'' I started.

''What?'' he cut me off as he stared inside my eyes as if begging me. ''Sav, we have the chance to be happy. Don't take it away from both us. Please.'' he continued and I couldn't see him like this. I could see he was suffering.

''Valerio, I'm not the one taking it away.'' I told him and placed my hand on his cheek. He looked at me and leaned in but I pulled away. He closed his eyes and placed his head in my hair just above my ear as he sighed. ''You have to understand, please.'' I told him and I felt him shaking his head. He then stood up and paced around his room while ruffling his head and sighing heavily.

''I refuse.'' he finally said and I turned around to look at him. ''I refuse to be unhappy because of what? Some mean people? No! Savvy, please!'' he exclaimed and I stood up.

''And what are we going to do, Valerio? Hide? All the time? What is this? What is this that we're doing? We can't be in a relationship!' I exclaimed and looked at him.

''I'm sick of you pretending! I'm sick of everyone!'' he esclaimed and groaned. Then he turned to me and looked inside my eyes. ''You said you love me.'' he finally said and I stared at him speechless. I did. I did love him. But I also knew I had to stop. He probably realised what I was thinking about and he walked closer.  I then took a breath and looked at him with a straight face.

''I don't want to. Even if you weren't my brother I wouldn't want to.'' I told him and he stared at me.

''Bloody hell, don't lie to me!'' he exclaimed nd stepped close to me.

''This is over, Valerio.'' I told him with a straight face and he stared at me before backing away. He looked around before turning back to me.

''I hope some day you realise how much of a hypocrite you are.'' he said with a low voice and then walked out of my room, closing the door behind him with a loud bang. I let out a breath and fell on my bed as a few tears fell from my eyes.

WISH TO BE YOURS| Valerio MontesinosWhere stories live. Discover now