Chapter 20

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I heard someone call me, I turned and looked behind. This was the last person I wanted to see in this world.

He came beside me in a few long strides, I ignored him and kept walking.

"Mia, please can we talk", He said walking beside me.

"It's Mrs. Waleed Kamaal for you", I snapped and kept walking.

I had come for a meeting with the client and just had left their office and was on way to hire a cab. When I heard him call, seriously out of all people it had to be Imaad.

"Seriously Mia, we have known each other since childhood and we were", He was saying but I interrupted him.

"It's enough Mr. Imaad Hassan, I don't want anything to do with you, and please stop following me", I halted and snarled at him.

He stood in front of me, looking ashamed with his head bowed down.

"If you will please, let me explain", He said.

"I don't think there is any need of an explanation", I said and was turning when he grabbed my arm.

I looked at him furiously and tried to remove my arm from his grip, but he held it tightly.

"Leave my hand Imaad", I said through clenched teeth.

"Not unless you hear me out", He insisted.

I didn't want to create a scene in public, the photographs from the reception were all over the internet and tabloid if someone were to recognize me with a man holding my hand it would create a new controversy.

"Just leave my arm, and I will listen to what you have to say", I said trying to suppress my anger.

Imaad loosened his grip on my arm and retracted his hand, he pointed towards a coffee shop, I silently followed him, he walked to a corner table and seated himself, he asked me if I would like to have something, I declined and he ordered a coffee for himself.

" You have ten minutes, better start talking", I said looking at my wristwatch.

I don't know what I was doing, sitting with this man and why did I even agree to listen to him.

I had freaked out when he held my arm in broad daylight in the middle of a street, lately, I have been getting a lot of attention from the paparazzi, being a wife of the billionaire doesn't come easy. Waleed had tried to assign me with a guard cum driver but I had declined his offer.

Waleed used to pick and drop me to work and mostly I would go with Daniyal or Kabir to meetings. But today it happened that they both were busy and I had come to the meeting in a cab.

"Mia, I am sorry for what I did to you, but believe me, I am not able to forgive myself.

Our business had incurred huge losses in the last six months, we tried hard to control the damage but we lost a significant amount and were behind on the payment of the loans. I tried hard to get some money from money launderers but it happened that we even lost that amount.

We didn't have any option other than to ask your share of the business and then sell it to give back the money to the launderers", He said.

I was looking at him astonished, I couldn't believe what he was saying. Were they really bankrupt?

" If you really had financial problems you could have asked for help from Dad, he would have done everything in his power to help you", I said.

"You think they would have let us get married if they knew I was bankrupt", Imaad said furiously.

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