Chapter 26

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"Waleed, have you seen Red?" I asked Waleed who was busy typing a mail on his laptop.

"You know Mia, I try to stay as away from that thing as possible," He replied with a smirk.

"She has a name you know, you don't need to call her thing," I replied irately.

"Whatever," He just shrugged his shoulder.

I came back into the bedroom from the terrace, I had last seen Red last night when I fed her when in the morning I looked for her before going to work she was nowhere in the house.

It was unusual, Red never used to leave the house, she always stayed indoors because of the dogs. Did I tell you, Waleed had five pet dogs, can you imagine? Who keeps five dogs?

I never liked dogs, they terrified me, once in my childhood our neighbor's dog chased me and he had bit my calf. I still shudder when I remember the injections I had to take afterward because of it. His teeth had torn through my skin and I still had the bite mark on my left leg.

After that day, I tried to stay as away from them as was possible, I don't know how Waleed tolerated them and that to so many.

Xander was his favorite one, he was a double coat German Shepherd the size of a wolf. And hairs long and thick, when he roared it felt like the walls were vibrating. He was a nasty beast and he terrified me more than that bitch in the movie Grudge, with black hairs and pale face, just crawling out from everywhere.

I shivered even thinking about her, she was evil and she gave me creeps. I walked back down the stairs to the living room, I checked the kitchen and other rooms but I didn't find Red anywhere.

"Jeena, did you by any chance saw Red?" I asked Jeena who was in the kitchen, busy baking apple pie.

"You mean your cat?" She asked me with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I haven't seen her since morning, I am worried about where she is, she is always around somewhere," I replied to her.

I looked around the kitchen, making cat sounds and meowing, hoping she might come running to me from somewhere, but there was no sign of her.

"Ask Waleed, maybe he knows, the reason your cat is missing," She said in a hushed and mysterious voice.

I looked at her, she was looking at me with an unknown expression on her face, what was she trying to imply?

"What do you mean, Jeena?" I asked dryly not liking a bit her mysterious ways.

"He hates cats, doesn't he?" She asked coyly.

Was she suggesting, that Waleed had done something to her? But why would Waleed do anything to Red? She has been with us for three months now, and I had seen he was getting used to her.

"Waleed adores Red," I answered furiously.

"Does he, really?" She had that mysterious smirk on her face, which I wanted to scratch from her mouth.

"I will ask the maid to look for her," I said leaving the kitchen.

Within half hour the whole house staff was looking for Red, the security guards and the driver were looking in the grounds, while the maids and the cook were looking in the house.

Waleed had joined the guards to look for her, he was worried after seeing my concern for Red. I was pacing on the porch when I saw Waleed coming towards me from the driveway. I looked at him, with hope, he shook his head in a no.

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