Quick get inside Un, Deux, Trois, Quatre, CinQ
Unless to go out and eat don't risk the flU
After all the warnings wash away the bacteriA
Really why not stay healthieR
And when it's all over we will be an erA
Now stay strong, fall into depressioN
Then you'll be forever gone so don't freT
Invent a way to live don't make up a alibI
Never give up, never give iN
Especially in the ending battlE~Violetxrose1235
The Words Of A Rose
PuisiA ll the words in my head unspoken P eople who don't know my song O ver the world now E ven in the north and south M ay my words find you B efore my time ends Y ou will know me M eet me in the shape of poetry E ventually this will be my lega...