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"We are going to be late!" Brandon yells from the kitchen. I grab my phone, charger, and wallet. I walk out of my room and I shut the door.

Today we are going to the studio to discuss a new choreographer. Our old choreographer quit, so we had to hire someone new. We are meeting him today at the studio.

"Is everyone ready?" Edwin asks.

"Let's head out," I say.

We get in the car and Austin starts to drive to the studio. It only takes about five minutes to get to the studio, so we just listen to music the whole time.

We get out of the car and we walk into the studio. "I heard he's kinda scary," Brandon says.

Zion laughs, "Thats just great. He will probably try to murder us if we mess up."

"Whitney said he's really big and muscular," Austin says. Whitney is one of our managers. She hired the guy, "He will probably kill us."

"Let's hope not," I say.

We go into the office room and we sit down. The five of us start talking about the guy again. It's kinda weird because we don't even know his name yet. Whitney never told us that part.

"He will probably eat our brains out," I say.

Zion laughs super loud, "And then feed you to the coyotes."

"Watch the guy be so tiny," Edwin says.

"Smaller than you," Brandon jokes.

We all start laughing again and then we hear someone cough. We look over and see Whitney standing there with her arms crossed. There is a girl standing behind her. I've never seen her before though. She could be helping with wardrobe or something. Who really knows?

"Hey, Whit," Brandon says.

"How are you today?" Zion asks her.

"I'm doing okay," she says. "I want you guys to meet someone." She turns around and gestures for the young girl to step up a bit. Whitney moves to the side, "This is Morgan."

"Hey," we all say quietly. She's very pretty. She has curly dirty blood hair and her eyes are light dark brown. She is wearing jeans with a black crop top. She has lots of freckles and her nose is kinda small, but it's perfect. She's really beautiful.

"It's nice to meet you all," she says softly.

"You too," Brandon says.

All five of us stand up and we walk over to her. Brandon shakes her hand, "I'm Brandon."

She smiles and then Austin shakes her hand, "The name is Austin."

"And I'm Edwin."


I shake her hand and I look into her dark brown eyes. Damn her eyes are so beautiful. I could get lost in them, "I'm Nick."

She smiles, "It's nice to meet you all."

Edwin sits back on the table and flips his water bottle in the air, "So, Whit, when is Mr muscle man getting here?"

Whitney starts laughing, "Who?"

"The scary big guy. The new choreographer," Zion says. Whitney and Morgan look at each other and they both start laughing.

"I'm flattered you all think I am a big scary guy," Morgan says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I only told you dumb shits that he was mean and scary, so you would get scared. Morgan is your new choreographer."

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