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I wake up in the morning in Nick's bed. He is laying right next to me and he is fast asleep. I move over a bit and I feel super light headed. Damn, I might need to go to the doctors early. I know what it's about, but maybe I should go anyways.

I get out of Nick's bed and I go to the bathroom. I go pee and I splash cold water onto my face. Maybe that will wake me up a bit.
Once I'm done in the bathroom I go back to Nick's room. He is awake and now on his phone.

"Good morning, ma."

I smile and I shut the door, "Morning." I sit down on the bed next to him.

"How are you feeling?"

"Still not the best," I say.

He sits up and wraps me in his arms. He brings me back down on the bed with him and I rest my head on his chest.

"What do you need? I can run to the store," he say. Ugh, he is so sweet. "I'll get you whatever."

I smile, "It's okay, Nick. I just want to stay here with you."

"Okay, ma."

[1 month time jump because i'm lazy oop]

"We are going to be late," Edwin yells from the kitchen. Right now we have a meeting with the team. We are going to discuss tour.

I walk downstairs in a purple dress and black heels. "Did I miss something? Why do you look so nice for a meeting?" Zion asks.

"Nick and I are going on a date after the meeting," I say.

Edwin groans, "That means we have to take another damn Uber home."

I laugh, "Sucks to suck."

When I got sick at the party it only lasted for about three days. It was very painful and I felt like shit. Nick was there for me the whole time. I'm a lot better now. There are times I still don't feel good, but the doctors have always said that is normal.

"Nick we are going to leave your ass home!" I yell up the stairs. He is always so damn slow.

Nick and I have been really good. Actually, we have been magnificent. It all feels like such a dream. We go on tons of dates and we are total goofs together. He is my best friend.


"Nick! Don't you dare!" I yell.

We are currently at the beach in our FULL ASS CLOTHES. Nick is now giving me a smirk and I know he wants to splash me or push me in the water.

"Or what?"

"I'll cut you," I say.

He chuckles, "Mamas, you don't scare me at all."

"Oh really?" I ask. I bend down and I start splashing him with the water. He then starts splashing me back and I start to run away. Before I get too far though he grabs me be the waist and spins me around in a circle. I giggle the whole time and then he sets me down.

"You couldn't get away from me," he says.

I chuckle and I start to lean in for a kiss. I open my eyes and I tackle him. He falls in the water and I fall with him.

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