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(Morgan's POV)

Rehearsals with the boys is so tiring. They are so freaking hard to deal with. They get so tired so easily and they always complain about being hungry. They usually try to get work done and they work hard, but they get so sidetracked by the smallest things.

"No, bring your arm up first and then bring it down and around," I say while guiding Nick's arm around.

"This is impossible," he says.

I roll my eyes, "No it's not. Do it again."

He does what I tell him and he actually gets it. See if they just listen then things will actually get done. I know what I'm talking about.

"Run through "Lying" again and then we can be done for the day," I say.

I start the song on the sound system and they start to dance to the music. I'm not going to lie there music is so good. I am definitely going to end up listening to it all the time.

While they are dancing I realize that I keep on watching Nick. From what I heard everyone says that Nick was the best dancer around here. They weren't lying. He is so good at dancing. He is definitely the best out of the five of them and he knows what he is doing when it comes to dancing.

For some reason Nick seems so much different than most people. His mindset is just so different than most. He is very determined and he works really hard. Most people don't have that, but I notice that he does. He seems very different. Different in a good way. I hope I can get to know him better.

The song stops and that's when I snap out of all my insane thoughts, "Good job today, guys. I'll see you all tomorrow."

"Thank God," Zion yells. "McDonalds here we come!" He runs over to his shit and the boys follow him. I can definitely see Zion being the one that eats tons out of the group.

They start to pack their things up and I do the same. I'm glad that today is over with. I'm very tired. I can't wait to just go home and sleep. I sit down on the bench and I start to untie my shoes.

"Hey," Nick says very quietly, so only I can hear, "Can I take you up on that offer?"

I look up at him and I smile, "What offer?"

"Showing you around California," he says.

Well there goes my chance of sleeping. I could say no, but everything in my body is telling me to say yes. I really want to get to know him. "Right now?"

"I mean only if you want to," he says putting his shoes in his bag.

"I would love to."

He smiles super big. His smile is so beautiful. I love it so much. It's so big and just perfect, "Sounds good."

We finish putting our things away and we both stand up. "Hey, guys. I'll be back later. I'm going to show Morgan some things."

Zion smirks, "Ooo, I see you."

"Have fun kids," Austin says.

"And don't do anything stupid," Brandon yells. The two of us walk out the door and I start laughing.

Nick rolls his eyes, "I swear they would do anything to embarrass me."

I chuckle lightly, "It was cute."

He smiles and we start to walk down the streets of L.A. "So have you been anywhere?"

"Not really," I say. "I usually have nobody to go out and explore with."

He chuckles, "Well now you have me." I can't help but smile. He is so sweet. "So what are you most interested in?"

"Obviously dancing. I also love to read and write," I say. "I also played softball back in high school."

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