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I wake up in the morning to Morgan sound asleep right next to me. She looks so peaceful and so beautiful when she is sleeping. I spent the night in the hospital with her last night. I wasn't just going to leave her.

I get out of bed and I go to the window. I look at the city and I just think about everything. It's so hard to believe that this is happening right now. I thought she was fine. I thought she was healthy and okay.

She could die though and I'm not okay with that. I can't live without her. She is my rock. My literal best friend.


I turn around to see her eyes open and she is stretching. She is so damn beautiful. I walk over to her and I sit on the bed.

"Hi, ma."

She smiles lightly, "Hi."

"Did I wake you?" I ask.

"No," she says.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm okay," she says. "I just want to get out of here and go home."

I smile, "Did they say when you can leave?"

"Today," she says. "But they did tell me that I have to start going through chemo since it's just getting worse."

I nod my head lightly and I hold onto her hand. She smiles at me and then the door opens up. It's her doctor. "Good morning, Morgan."

"Good morning," she says.

"How are you feeling today?" He asks.

"I'm okay. I just want to go home now."

He chuckles and starts to look at a clipboard full of papers. "Well I don't see why you need to stay. After you passed out yesterday everything came back to normal. You should be good to go."

I didn't even know that she passed out. I never really asked why she was in the hospital. I knew it was because of the cancer, but I didn't exactly know why. I wonder if part of it was because of me. I probably freaked her out.

"Thank you," she says lightly.

"I want you to take it very easy though," he says. "It's just getting worse and you are going to be in pain. You can still walk and do whatever you please, but don't do crazy things like skydiving."

She laughs, "I wasn't planning on it."

"Good," he says. "I'll get your discharge papers and you are free to go."

He walks out the door and closes it. "Nick?"

"Yes, ma?"

"Can I stay with you and the boys? I know it's crazy to ask but, my mom is going to want me to go back home with her. I want to stay here and I know she won't let me stay at my apartment alone."

I smile, "Of course, ma. You know that we don't care. You basically live there anyways."

"Thank you."

I kiss her forehead, "Of course."


"I think you should come back home with us."
We are currently back at the house and Morgan's parents are here. They want her to go back home, but she says no. Her parents are practically fighting with her and I can tell it's upsetting Morgan a lot. She is so tired and she just wants to relax, but now she has even more stress on her.

"I'm not leaving, mom."

"Why not?" She asks. "I would be able to watch after you and I can take you to appointments."

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