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(Zion's POV)

"Why can't we go back?" Edwin complains to us after Nick leaves.

"They better let us go back soon," Ansley says.

"Do you guys think she is okay?" Austin asks.

"I don't know," I say while running my hand through my dreads. "I hope so."

Morgan has always been super close to me. She is like my little sister. We may bicker all the time, but I love her. I can't lose her crazy ass.

"I can't take it anymore," Brandon says. "They are taking way too long."

"I'll ask them up front," I say. I walk up to the front desk and right when I'm about to reach the desk I see the doctor that took Nick back there. "Excuse me? Are you friends with Morgan and her boyfriend."

"Yes," I say. "I was just about to ask about them. Is she doing okay?"

"Your friend needs you right now. They are in room 208."

He walks away and I stand there for a bit. Why would he need me? She has to be fine if he is staying there with her.

I open the double doors and I walk down the hallway until I get to room 208. I stop outside for a second and that's when I hear screaming and crying.

What the fuck?

I open the door and I see Nick on the floor crying and screaming super loud. Morgan is laying on the bed, eyes still closed. I run over to Nick and I wrap him in a hug.

"What's going on?" I ask.

He doesn't answer though. He just keeps crying and yelling. "Nick! Calm down!"

After a few minutes of just laying there he finally says, "S-she s-she is g-gone!"

"What do you mean? She is right there. She is okay," I say. I don't understand at all.

"She is she is fucking brain dead!"

I hold onto him tighter and a few tears fall down my face. She can't be gone. This can't be true at all. This can't be happening.

[2 hours later]

(Nick's POV)

"You need to sign here and here," I hear the doctor says to Morgan's parents. They have to sign all of these papers. I don't even know what they all are.

I'm currently sitting next to Morgan's bed. Her hand is in mine and all I can do is stare at her. The tears fall down my face as I think about everything going on right now.

She was literally fine last night. Everything was so good and we had so much fun. I just don't understand how things can go this bad so quickly. I guess what they say is right. Never take shit for granted because you never know when it'll be taken from you.

Morgan was ripped from my hands so quickly. We weren't even together for a year. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I wanted to marry her, have kids with her. I wanted to grow old with her, but it's all ripped from me. It's all gone like it wasn't anything.

"Nick!" I hear behind me.

I turn around and Ansley is standing there. I don't even know how long she has been standing there. "What?"

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