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"No, mom," I say while holding the phone in between my ear and shoulder. "He is very nice."

"I just want you to be safe," she says. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Nothing is going to happen to me just because I'm going out with a boy," I say annoyed. I'm currently going through clothes while talking to my mom. I don't know what to wear.

"Anything can affect your health, Morgan. You have to be careful at all times," she says.

I roll my eyes, "Well I am being careful and I want to live my life. I can't just stop everything"

She sighs, "I know, I know. I'm sorry for being pushy with you. I'm happy you are going out. Just be safe and have fun."

"I will mom. I love you, bye."

"I love you too," she says.

I hang up the phone and I groan. I toss it on the couch that is in my closet. My closet is huge.

She is always worrying way too much about me. I'm glad she cares and she loves me so much, but all I want to do is keep living out my life the way I want to. I want to have fun and be stupid. I don't think she understands that though.

I look at the clock in my closet and it's 6:30. Damn, Nick is going to be here in an hour. I'm really excited to go on a date with him. Ive never been this excited for a date before.

[1 later]

Once I'm done getting ready I look in the mirror and I smile. Damn I look super good today.

I walk downstairs to the lobby of my apartment complex and I wait

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I walk downstairs to the lobby of my apartment complex and I wait. Nick should be here any moment now. He will probably be late though because he said he always would be. Which bothers me a lot, but I'll get over it.

I sit there for a few more minutes and I see him walk in. He has roses in his hands and the biggest smile on his face. Aw, he got me roses. He has on jeans and a yellow checkered button up sweatshirt. He looks so good.

 He looks so good

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"Hi," he says. "You look beautiful."

I can feel my face heat up and I don't know why. He is making me so nervous all of a sudden, "Thank you."

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