Chapter 14

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The next day, I woke up, excited to hang out with Aydon. I walked downstairs, where Gabe and Xavier were sitting at the counter.
I then remembered the aching pain in my teeth, spreading throughout my jaw. I frowned, and made myself a smoothie.
"What are you doing today Ari?" Asked Gabe. I turned around and glared at him, and Xavier sighed. "Don't be rude Ari." Said my brother.
I glared at him, before responding to Gabe. "I'm hanging out with Aydon." I said flatly, frowning at him. I then brought my smoothie up to my room, where I finished it, and started practicing my saxophone.
About an hour later, Xavier came up to my room, and opened the door. "Sounds good Ari." He said, smiling at me. "Thanks." I replied. "Have you even gotten washed up or dressed?" He asked me.
I shook my head, and he sighed. "Get changed and brush your teeth Ari." Said my brother. I groaned. "It hurts really bad." I whined.
Xavier sighed again. "Gabe's brushing your teeth." He said. "What No!" I exclaimed.
"I know you're not going to brush your teeth well on your own Ari. And since Gabe caused this, he can deal with it." Xavie said, walking out of my room to get Gabe. A minute later he came back with Gabe, and he left the room.
"Ari I'm sorry." Said Gabe. "I just want what's best for you." I glared at him, and went back to playing my saxophone.
Gabe sighed, before taking away my saxophone. "Hey! I was practicing!" I yelled. "Ari calm down. I'm just going to brush your teeth, and you can go back to playing." He said. I crossed my arms across my body.
"No." I said. "Yes." He replied, before he picked me up and carried me into the washroom, placing me on the counter. He grabbed my toothbrush, and put a little bit of toothpaste on it. "Open Ari." He said, but I just shook my head.
"I can brush my own teeth." I said. "Well clearly your brother doesn't think so." Said Gabe. I glared at him. "It'll hurt to much." I whined. "I'll be super gentle, I promise." Said Gabe, but I still shook my head.
"Ari please cooperate." Begged Gabe. "Do you want me to call your brother in?" I shook my head. "Okay, so can you please open?" He asked. I opened my mouth a tiny bit, and Gabe smiled.
He started to brush, but then I whined. "Owww!" I said. "What? Ari what?!?" Panicked Gabe. "It hurts!" I cried. "Ari you need to calm down. Is the pain from your braces, or is it from a tooth?" He asked me.
"Braces." I said, with toothpaste still in my mouth. "I can't do anything about that Ari. I can give you some Advil after we're done, but that's it." He sighed. He then continued to brush my teeth, and eventually he finished.
"Rinse and spit." He said.
I did just that, and hopped off the counter. Gabe left the room for a minutes, and come back with Advil. He handed me some, and I gratefully took it.
I then went back to playing my saxophone, and Gabe left me alone. Soon enough, it was lunch time, and I just ate soup again, because my braces were aching, and I couldn't eat anything else.
Then, I went back to my room and changed into something more presentable. I put on a pair of black leggings and a cute long sleeved shirt, putting my slip on Vans on my feet.
I started walking to the park to meet up with Aydon, and sat down on a bench. I checked my phone, seeing that I was a few minutes early. A minutes later, I got a text from Aydon.
Aydon: Look behind you
I turned around and saw him behind me, grinning. "Hey!" I said, standing up and walking over to him. "Hi!" He said back to me. "Do you want to play frisbee?" He asked me. "Sure!" I replied.
Aydon produced a neon green frisbee from behind his back, and we started playing catch. We were fine for a few minutes, but then Aydon accidentally threw the frisbee into the pond, and we watched it slowly sink.
"Rest in peace frisbee." I said. Aydon nodded. "It had a good life." He said, before we both cracked up, laughing at our selves.
"What do we do now?" I asked. "We could go to the pet store?" Said Aydon. "My aunt works there, and she lets me play with all the cats." He said.
"Sure!" I said with a goofy grin on my face. We walked to the pet store, talking about random stuff. "So Mr Hockey," I said. "Bo told me you're pretty good." I said with a smile.
Aydon blushed, before laughing. "It's nothing." He said. "I think it is something." I said. Aydon shrugged. "I grew up playing with my brother, Josh, and he's older than me, so I'm used to playing against older people." He said. "So are you a good ol' Canadian boy?" I asked.
He laughed. "Sure." He said. Soon we were at the pet shop, and he lead me back to where all the kittens were. "Awww!" I said. "They're so cute!"
"Yup. Just like you." Said Aydon. I blushed and look at him, and he had a goofy grin on his face. I walked over to them and picked one up.
"I'm gonna name it Dog." I said, and Aydon burst out laughing. "Why?" He asked, still laughing. "To confuse of their people. Why else would I?" I replied, smiling.
Aydon finally stopped laughing, and looked at me. "You're one of a kind Ari." He said, with a smile on his face. "Thank you good Sir. Do you wanna go get ice cream or something?" I asked him. "Sure." He replied.
I put Dog away, and we walked to the ice cream store at the end of the block. We walked in, and walked up to the counter to order. I asked for chocolate chip cookie dough, and Aydon asked for lime.
I looked at him weirdly. "Dude! What the hell? You could have gotten any favour, and you choose lime?!" I exclaimed. He shrugged. "I don't know, I just like it." He said, smirking. "I don't know if I can stay here any longer." I said, joking.
He laughed, and we collected our ice cream. "Wait, we didn't pay." I said. Aydon smirked. "Already did babe." He said, smirking. "What? I could have at least payed for mine!" I said. "Nuh uh." He said. "The guy always pays."
"Isn't that sexist?" I asked him. Aydon shrugged. "I also wanted to pay." He said. I sighed. "Fine. Only cause you're cute." I said, smirking.
Aydon blushed, and looked down. I laughed, and we started walking towards my house. We reached my driveway, and Aydon stopped me. "What's your brother like?" He asked me nervously.
"You'll be fine Aydon." I said. "He's pretty chill, except when it comes to dental stuff." Aydon paled. "What do you mean?" He asked quietly. "You'll be fine." I said, hugging him. "He shouldn't bug you too much. But just a quick warning, my brother is a dentist, and his friend who is an orthodontist is living with us for the moment." Aydon sighed.
"I guess so." He mumbled. I grabbed his hand, gently pulling him towards the door. I opened the door, and we walked into my house. Xavier was making dinner, and Gabe was watching sports highlights.
"We're here!" I yelled. "Ari don't yell. Who's this?" He asked. "I'm Aydon Caberle." Said Aydon, stepping to shake Xavier's hand. "Nice to meet you Sir." He said. "No need to call me sir, Aydon." He said.
"Just call me Xavier." Aydon nodded in reply. Gabe stood up, and walked over to where we were standing. "I'm Gabe Benson, I'm just a friend, my apartment's is being renovated, so I'm staying here for a while." Said Gabe. "Nice to meet you." Said Aydon respectfully.
Gabe nodded in reply, and Xavier spoke up. "Dinner's ready, Ari can you set the table?" Said Xavier. I nodded, and got utensils and plates.
I set the table, and Xavier brought over a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs, and a bowl of cooked carrots.
We all sat down, and helped ourselves to some food. Then Xavier started questioning Aydon.
"Tell me about yourself Aydon." He said to Aydon. "Well, I play hockey, I like to read, and I hate doctors." He said. Xavier nodded. "What level of hockey do you play?" He asked Aydon. "I play with the senior team at school." Said Aydon. "You must be pretty good then." Said Gabe.
Aydon blushed. "I guess so." He mumbled. Xavier chuckled. "What type of books do you like to read?" Asked Xavier. Aydon blushed again. "Romance." He mumbled. I laughed, and Aydon glared at me.
I tried to stop but I just couldn't. "So we have a hopeless romantic on our hands." Xavier said, teasing Aydon. Aydon looked so uncomfortable, and I grabbed his hand.
He sent me a grateful smile, and looked up at Xavier again. "Why are you hate doctors?" My brother asked Aydon. Aydon shrugged. "I just don't. It's like a childhood fear I never outgrew." Said Aydon.
Xavier nodded. "What about dentists?" He asked. Aydon's face paled, and he squeaked out an answer. "Worse than doctors." He said. Xavier looked intrigued. "How long had it been since you've been to one?" He asked Aydon curiously.
Aydon shrugged. "Maybe a year? Not too long." He replied shakily. Xavier frowned. "Have you ever had any procedures? Braces?" He asked Aydon. Aydon was fidgeting, and I grabbed his hand, squeezing it.
Aydon looked at Xavier, and answered his question quietly. "I've never had braces, but I've had a crap ton of cavities." Said Aydon. Xavier was about to ask him another question, but Gabe stepped in.
"Dude, stop with the dentist questions. He's clearly uncomfortable." Said Gabe. Xavier looked apologetically at Aydon. "Sorry bud, sometimes I just get carried away." Said Xavier. "It's fine." Whispered Aydon.
Soon we all finished dinner, and I brought the plates over to the dishwasher. When I was done, I walked to the couch, to see that Aydon and Gabe were watching a hockey game, and debating who was better, Quinn Hughes or Cale Makar.
Aydon was saying that Quinn Hughes was better, and Gabe disagreed. "Hey, do you guys want to watch a movie?" I asked them. "Sure." They replied. I put a movie on, and we settled into the couch to watch.
Xavier brought us some chips, but as soon as I took a bite, it flared up the pain from my braces, that Aydon had distracted me from. I whined, and turned into Aydon. "What's wrong, cutie?" He asked me.
"My braces are killing me." I groaned into him. "Aww, Ari I'm sorry. I wish I could stop the pain, baby girl." He said, comforting me. "I'll go ask your brother for some Advil, alright?" He said.
I nodded, and he stood up. He walked over to my brother, and started talking. "Hey Xavier, I was just wondering if you could get some Advil for Ari, her braces are really bugging her." He asked shyly.
"Sure thing bud. I'll go grab some for her, alright?" Said Xavier. Aydon nodded, and came back to me. "He's getting you some pain meds right now, baby." He said. I nodded, and turned back to watch the movie.
A minute later, Xavier came to me with pain meds and a glass of water, which I gladly took. Soon, the movie was over, and Aydon got up. "Thank you for dinner Xavier." He said. "I need to get home now." He said.
"How are you going to get home?" Asked my brother. "I'm gonna walk." Replied Aydon. "I can give you a ride." Offered Xavier. "That would be great, thanks." Said Aydon.
I decided that I would go with them, so Xavier doesn't pressure Aydon into talking about dentist stuff.
We got into the car, and Xavier drove to Aydon's house and dropped him off. On the way home, Xavier started talking to me.
"I know you're not going to like this Ari, but your school is doing physicals and dental check ups at the school for all of the students. I managed to get you out of the physical, because you just had one, but I couldn't get you out of the dental check up." Said Xavier.
I groaned, and he chuckled.
"I know you don't like it Ari, but it has to be done. The school also informed me of their system. You will have four dental check ups this year. If you pass two out of the four, you continue to see the dentist every six months, but if you don't, you have to see the dentist every four months during grade nine, and you'll get retested in grade 10." He said.
"Ughhhh." I said, and Xavier laughed. "Who's doing them?" I asked my brother. "Me and Gabe are doing dental check ups." He said, smirking.
I groaned. "And one of my buddies Colton Lafrenière is doing physicals." He said. I sighed.soon enough, we were home and I went to bed.

My Brother, My Fear, Dr. Xavier Blake, DDSWhere stories live. Discover now