It's been two weeks since the threat and she's adhered to her advice. Every time she closes her eyes, she sees the venom and fire that was in Sofia's eyes when she threatened her. She might be living in a secured complex but somehow she can't stop looking over her shoulder like a fugitive. Sofia's position was filled within a week even after she had begged Mr Willemse to reconsider. The man wasn't barging and even threatened to fire her as well if she pursued the Sofia cause any further. Jessica did come talk to her like she promised her husband and even exchanged numbers with her which is a little unsettling for Lisa. She fails to understand Jessica's interest in her and why she believes so much in her. It's wine and flicks night with Thuso. It's her turn to bring the wine and she's come with a five litre box of Nedenburg dry red. Lisa prepared the snacks and they're talking more than watching Moana. The two are big fans of animated flicks and Moana is their all-time favourite.
"Bonnie came to see me." Thuso tells her best-friend of ten years who rolls her eyes.
"I don't even want to hear his name." Lisa replies with disinterest.
"i sort of told him you're working and that somehow changed his mind about you. The guy loves you Lisa and he only broke up with you because he felt you lacked ambition and never motivated him. I told him who you're working for and kind of mentioned your salary figures. We both know you've been comfort eating like crazy since the breakup. Look at how much weight you've gained."
"are you calling me fat?" Lisa asks in disbelief.
"I'm calling a spade a spade. Back to pressing matters, Bonnie" Thuso says with her big eyes fixated on her friend.
"If you love someone, you don't break up with them over nothing then suddenly come back when they're working. If roles were reversed, I'd be labelled a gold digger."
Lisa and Bonnie dated for four years, starting from when she was in matric. He was working as a sales consultant then before finding another job as a marketing agent for a big Advertising company a year ago.
"He wanted you to conquer the business world together."
"Why are you vouching for him? You agreed with me when I said he's nothing but an ass hole." Lisa says causing Thuso to laugh.
"That was then. He'll be taking you to dinner tomorrow and it'd do you some good to go."
"How much did he pay you?" Lisa asks her friend with squinted eyes.
"Enough" Thuso says while laughing.
The two drink and talk more until they blackout which is a norm for their wine nights.
She stares at her reflection on the mirror wondering why she's so nervous. It's a chilly Sunday night since it's mid Autumn and she can't help but wonder if agreeing to the dinner was a good idea. Why didn't he call her? She exhales before fixing her violet lipstick and pouring some perfume above her breasts and on her neck. She grabs her purse then looks again to the mirror to see if the dress isn't too tight. Thuso was right when she said she's gained weight. The velour dress is a little above the knees as usual and even reveals her doubled belly. She wears a black longer length blazer matching with her dress then puts on earrings. There's a knock on her door right when she steps out of her room. She takes a deep breath then opens. Bonnie appears looking dapper in black skinny jeans, white and black stripped Polo tshirt and a velvet blazer on top. He's wearing white Jordans and smelling as good ass he looks.
"Hi" he says nervously not having forgotten their bitter breakup.
"Hi" Lisa replies sounding just as nervous.
"You look good." he compliments while reaching for her hand. "Shall we?"
Lisa simply nods then hands her keys to him so he can lock. After that, they walk out of the complex building to the parking lot where his black Mercedes Benz C63 is parked. He opens the door for her and she gets into the car which oozes his cologne and somehow it feels like she's clinging onto his chest.They have a quiet dinner while occasionally stealing glances at each other. Bonnie doesn't know where to start and Lisa is waiting for him to break the ice. He is after all the one who took her out to dinner so it should be up to him. When she's done with her plate, she takes in the features of her ex lover. His squared jaw, his five 'o clock shadow and his perfect, caramel skin that seems to glow under the moonlight. They're sitting on one of the tables outside in wimpy, their favourite restaurant.
"I'm sorry." is the first thing Bonnie says since the dinner started. "I've been miserable without you Lisa and I... I really tried convincing myself that breaking up with you was the best thing to do but it was the worst. I've hated myself since then and it just... took a lot of courage for me face you. I was scared and that's why I asked Thuso to uhm... set this up."
Lisa scoffs in disbelief, not even buying his fake sincerity. He tries touching her hand and she retrieves it, putting it on her lap.
"Isn't it convenient for you to come for me and suddenly regret leaving me when I finally get a job?"
Lisa stops him before he can say any more.
"Thuso told me how she told you of my work, what I earned and who I worked for. It's not about you being miserable without me, it's about you wanting to use me to grow clout."
"I'm insulted now Monalisa. I've never for once been after your money, the little you had back then and heck, I earn way more than what you get at M.W so why would you think that of me? I'm not a gold digger! If I remember well, you're the one whom I spent generously on and-"
"This was a mistake."Lisa says standing up. "I'll settle my part of the bill at the counter."
"Monalisa, sit your arse down."he says through gritted teeth.
He has always had a temper, something he's somehow managed to control for Lisa on most times unless she really pushes him too far. He grabs her wrist as pursuit to stop her.
"Please." Bonnie begs.
She sighs and sits much to her disinterest.
"I know how all of this comes off as and I understand why you're mad. Our breakup was quite messy but I can assure you that I haven't been with anyone else since we parted. All I wanted was for you to realise the potential I saw in you and I know without a doubt that you're right where you belong. I'm not asking that you straight up give me a chance and we pick up where we left off but let's just keep doing this. Let's take it slow, go out how we used to and see where it takes us. Please?" Bonnie pleads, his voice matching his eyes.
Lisa breathes out contemplating it in her mind. As much as he hurt her, she can't deny how she feels about him.
"Fine but don't have any expectations." Lisa finally says and the man releases a breath he didn't realise he's been holding.
"Thank you so much Lisa." Bonnie says kissing her knuckles. "I promise you won't regret it. Can we get out of here now?"
She nods. Bonnie settles the bill and they walk out hand in hand. She doesn't want to think much about it because she knows if she does, she'll start regretting it.
"How was it?" Thuso asks her on the other end.
It's been two hours since the dinner and Lisa is fresh out of the shower and ready for bed.
"Fine I guess." She says lacking the enthusiasm Thuso expected.
"What do you mean fine? What the hell is fine Monalisa? I need details!"
"There's nothing to tell Thuso. We just went out for dinner, talked and that was it."
"You're boring. Booorrrinng! I expected a little action plus it's been months since you got some. I'll call Bonnie and hear what he says."
"Tell me again why you aren't with him? 'Cause this sounds like a polygamous relationship."
"You think you're funny neh. I have to go."
Thuso hangs up leaving her best friend In deep thought. 'When did her best friend and ex get so close?' Somehow she thinks it's not just smoke, there's fire.

Marrying Her Husband
RomanceMARRYING HER HUSBAND What if the one you want is also someone else's? What if you met your 'the one' when you had already vowed to someone else? What if you love them more than you've ever loved anyone else and no matter how much you want to stay aw...