“Are you sure? I mean if it’s true then damn, you’ve made me happier than I was when you agreed to marry me,” Ethan says, and her eyes pop out in shock. She’d expected him to be shocked or maybe blame her especially knowing he has four kids but not this.
“You’re not mad?” Lisa asks in disbelief and his forehead furrows in confusion.
“Why would I be mad?” Ethan counters.
“You have four kids,” Lisa states like he’s forgotten.
“So? I can afford to have as many kids as I want and Lisa, you’re not just anyone. You’re the love of my life and you should know I’ve never loved anyone this much. This even feels like my first time falling in love so I’d never be mad. This is like the best news ever,” Ethan says and kisses the back of her hand.
“It’s not confirmed,” Lisa says and he shakes his head in realisation.
“You’re scared,” Ethan says and she nods while looking down. His thumb goes to her chin and pushes her head up so she’s facing him. “There’s no need to be scared Lisa. You and I are going to get married soon and we love each other. If you’re pregnant then know I’ll be with you every step of the way. I’ll hold your hand and never let go of it,” Ethan says and leans in for a kiss. “My love is promise of that”
“I just… motherhood? It’s overwhelming. I will uhm…go to a doctor first to confirm because I don’t want to be buying white little feet socks only to be told it was a hormone thing and I’m not pregnant. Or worse, get my period tomorrow”
“I don’t think I shoot blanks but OK. It might be twins,” Ethan teases and her eyes pop out again.
“Twins? Where will they come out? I hate scissors but I cannot imagine two big heads coming out of my vagina…” the thought alone has her face scrunching which makes Ethan laugh.
“IS that all you’re worried about?”
“I hate scars,” Lisa continues, her mind already drifting off. “At least with vaginal, there are no scars”
“But we have corrective surgery for scars if they ever bother you. Though I think you’d be happy and would gracefully wear the scar that made you a mother,” Ethan says, and she smiles.
“If you put it like that then…OK”
“Good now come so I can make love to you. If I didn’t score before then we’re doing now,” Ethan says with his hand stretched to her. Lisa giggles and takes the stretched hand. He pulls her so she’s sitting on his lap then stands up. Ethan leads the way to the bedroom where he gently lays her on the bed and hovers over her. Her eyes stay on his until he lowers his lips onto hers. Lisa closes her eyes and kisses him back, loving how sensual, passionate but also warm it is”
“We’re really going camping?” Lisa asks in the morning right after the man opens his eyes. She’d watched him sleeping and had even perked his lips a couple of times when she was content with her staring. Now he’s up and she feels she had to ask.
“Yep,” Ethan says then kisses her lips briefly. “You’re not scared of nature, are you?”
Lisa giggles and shakes her head. “Nop. I used to be part of a conservation team back in High school. There was even a time I considered going into the conservation field.”
“And you’ve never told me,” Ethan says with a scowl.
“You’ve never asked,” she says then kisses his lips.
“That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have told me”
Lisa chuckles at that and perks his lips a couple of times but the man is still sulking.
“I’m sorry for not telling you babe, it never crossed my mind until you spoke of camping”
“I want to know all your interests Lisa. Why didn’t you go to varsity?” he asks.
“I lacked drive then until I started working at MW. I’ll always be grateful to your brother for having enrolled me in that course at college because I now want to further my studies,” Lisa says.
“The only thing I’ll thank that son of a bitch for is having you as an assistant because look at us now”
Lisa laughs. “Son of a bitch? You have the same mother”
He chuckles, “I know. My mother knows about you, you know. She cursed me the hell out when I told her but was with me when I ordered your ring. Double standards I tell you”
“I thought your best friend was the only one who knows about me,” Lisa says.
“There’s also Lexy and Nathan there. He’ll probably tell Jessica soon and who knows how she’ll react. We’re getting married now so it’s only a matter of time before the world knows. Let’s go bath now baby so you can make me breakfast. I want those eggs of yours,” Ethan says. They have their rather innocent bath then get dressed. They go to the kitchen where Ethan watches her as she makes breakfast then they eat over casual chatter.
“So, we’re leaving today and coming back tomorrow?” Lisa asks and he nods.
“We’re testing the place out. it’s a recent purchase,” Ethan says.
“If the future allows us, we should go for a week next time. I love nature. Is there a lake?” she asks.
“Yes, there is. We’ll be bathing there,” he says with a wink.
“What are you thinking Mr Williamse?”
“You know exactly what I’m thinking,” Ethan says, and she chuckles.
“What am I going to do with you Ethan?”
“You know exactly what baby,” he purrs and the woman giggles.
She’s officially introduced to Tumelo and his wife who’s nicer than she’d expected. The dinner Ethan had once spoken of never happened hence the first official meet. The wife is introduced as Keke, a beautilful caramel skinned woman with black doe eyes. She also talks a lot so in the ride to the range, she’s the one initiating conversations.
“Why would you agree to marry this guy though? You’re beautiful and deserve better,” Keke jokes with a serious face.
“Don’t start with me Keke. I won’t spare you,” Ethan says.
“It’s too soon for a cat fight girls,” Tumelo teases.
“I would fuck the both of you up without breaking a sweat but continue,” Ethan says and the couple laughs.
“You wouldn’t do that in front of your wife-to-be,” Keke says.
“Heh, I doubt he’d care,” Tumelo says. “Ethan doesn’t impress people”
The camping site used to be a farm until the previous owners couldn’t maintain it. The yard is humongous, perfect for a treasure hunt which is one of the activities the pair have planned with the land.
“What do you think?” Ethan asks Lisa after having given her a tour of the place.
“I love it. I can imagine what we can do here”
“Good because we’ll need that imagination to transform it. Let’s go back to the others. We still have to assemble our tent”
Hearing that not only fills her with excitement but adrenaline as well. She’s missed this sort of thing but thankfully, her soon-to-be husband owns it so she’s looking forward to spending about a week if not more here next time.
“Miranda, this better be important because I left my kids for it,” Amo says whilst sitting down. the said woman smirks and hands her an envelope.
“I’m not much of a bad person Amo. I just thought I should warn you,” Miranda says.
“What is this?” the first wife asks without even touching it.
“There’s only one way to find out,” she says, daring Amo to open it with her head.
“What are you playing at?”
She chuckles. “Playing? That’s not me dear but I can’t say the same about your husband. Didn’t you think if he takes one more wife, there’d be others?” Miranda says, still smirking.
“One more… what the hell are you talking about?” Amo asks, having managed to hide the fear that’s slowing creeping in from what is being insinuated.
“Well, that’s tomorrow morning’s front page. It’s an exclusive and by midnight, it’ll already be online. Prepare yourself to trend,” the woman says then stands to walk away. Amo remains seated, taking a sip of her glass of wine. She looks around the bar which is rather quiet for a Saturday night. She’s thankful Ethan isn’t there or she’d have had to lie to go out. the kids were already sleeping when curiosity willed her to meet with the gossip journalist. She finishes her glass of wine then asks the waiter for a few shots of vodka. She apparently needs the strength to peek in whatever Miranda or Miss M as she’s called has up her sleeves. After four shots, she finally has the courage to open the envelope. It’s an A4 with tomorrow’s front-page imprint. She blinks, trying to test if she’s imagining it or not but it’s there. She’d recognise her husband from anywhere and that woman she’d complained about Lexy to who just brushed it off and made her seem like she is crazy. Now it’s here, very clear and worse, she has a ring on her finger. The tears fall onto that paper. It’s tears she hadn’t seen coming but she doesn’t stop them anyway. The cry is silent as her husband’s infidelity and betrayal sobers her up. He’s done it again and this time she knows there’s nothing he can say or do to convince her to accept it. It’s either her or the new bride.

Marrying Her Husband
RomanceMARRYING HER HUSBAND What if the one you want is also someone else's? What if you met your 'the one' when you had already vowed to someone else? What if you love them more than you've ever loved anyone else and no matter how much you want to stay aw...