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Friday nights are for her best friend and she’s happy that it’s finally the weekend and she’ll get to breath. Working and studying is something she’s yet to get used to on top of her rude boss whom she also can’t get out of her mind. Every moment with Ethan is torture for her and she wonders how it’s possible that she’s been feeling like this since the moment she laid eyes on him. He looks like Nathan, beard aside so what is it about this man with two wives?
“Should I leave?” Thuso asks seeing how little Lisa has paid her attention tonight. Even in the hilarious movie they’re watching, she’s hardly said a thing.
With a sigh, Lisa replies “I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my mind”
“What best friend am I if you can’t confide in me?” Thuso asks, offended that she didn’t even think of telling the minute she came in here. It’s usually Lisa who babbles to her with Thuso sharing little about her life. For someone who talks about being open, she hardly practices what she preaches.
“Can I ask you a question?” Lisa says, trying to careful word it in her mind so she doesn’t make it too obvious.
“Of course,”
“Do you think love at first sight is possible?”
“Love at first sight?” Thuso asks, wondering what’s sparking her interest in the topic.
“Yes. Like can two people meet for the first time and immediately fall head over heels in love with each other? Is it possible to see someone for the first time and have your heart flatter even though you’ve never met before?”
Thuso looks at Lisa in wonder. She wonders if the woman is speaking from experience and who she might have fallen for or whether she’s merely asking in general.
“Did something happen? Maybe you… met someone?” Thuso asks and Lisa turns to look at her with her eyebrows furrowed.
“Did I say I’m talking about me? I’m just asking Thuso. I wouldn’t exactly hide this from you now, will I?” Lisa asks and Thuso nods. She can’t remember a time when her best friend had lied to her so why would she start now?
“You’re right. I forgot you’re a straight talker. Anyway, it’s possible. you should see my dad when he speaks of how he met my mother. It’s love like that which makes me believe that I also have that one person out there who’s made for me. It’s possible.” Thuso says with a smile.
“Have you met anyone yet? Come to think of it, you’ve been single for a while,” Lisa says with her eyes fixed on her best friend who chuckles nervously. ‘Why is she acting funny?’ Lisa wonders.
“Oh no but I have been getting laid. Can’t say the same about you though. How’s it going with Bonnie?”
“It’s interesting how you always turn the subject back to me. Unfortunately, sis, it won’t work this time. Let’s talk about you and this man who’s drilling you to satisfaction.” Lisa says, making Thuso laugh.
They talk during wine sips, Thuso more with one word replies from Lisa. They even forget about the playing mood. Lisa catches that the man is handsome, has money and drives a luxurious car. She also learns he’s a big spender and spoils her friend rotten.
“What’s his name? you’ve told me everything other than that and, is he black?”
Thuso chuckles. “His name is Rick and he’s coloured.”
“Mm, do you love him?” Lisa asks watching her friend who chuckles again.
“I don’t think so. The man I fall in love with will have to make me feel how my father made my mother feel.”
Saturday morning, Lisa prepares herself for shopping with her mother. She’s also going to the salon for her hair and nails. Regardless of what her boss said about wanting to see her hair, she’s going to put on a weave. Her mom being Miss punctual arrives right on time; 9:30am.
“Did you have any breakfast?” Oluhle asks when her daughter opens for her.
“Hello mother,” Lisa asks, giving her mom a hug then kissing her cheeks.
“Hi baby, did you eat?”
“I just had cereal. I’ll get my bag then we leave.” Lisa says, running back to her room. Weekends are a relief for her because she can stick to her flats.
“Have you thought of joining gym baby or you’re OK with the extra weight you’ve gained?” Oluhle asks in the car. Lisa only sighs, where will she get time to gym?
“as much as I’d love to, I don’t have the time Ma. I want to start running maybe about five kilometres on weekends at least.”
“OK. I don’t have any problem with the weight you’ve gained, know that.” Her mother assures her.
“I know Ma. You’d love me even if I could barely fit into this little car of yours.”
Her mother chuckles, not even feeling offended because she’s used to her dissing her car.
“Breakfast first then shopping,” Oluhle says when they arrive at the mall after she’s parked her car. Lisa knows it’s not up for discussion.
They have breakfast at Wimpy and during it, she brings up Thuso.
“I think there’s something going on between Bonnie and Thuso Ma. Am I paranoid? They’re suddenly friends and she calls him. I’m not comfortable with that happening behind my back and it seems she doesn’t see anything wrong with that.” Lisa says.
“You’re not being paranoid. What business do they have together? I didn’t know you were back with Bonnie.” Her mom replies.
“I’m not back with him but he wants that. Thuso told me she told him that I’m working and even told him how much I earn and who I work for and he suddenly came on to me. I don’t trust all of this,” Lisa says.
“I think you should talk to him and ask what’s up. You know I’ve never really liked that friend of yours. She gives me vibes.”
“I’ll talk to him tomorrow. The other thing is when she described this man she’s with, it really sounded like she’s describing him. I don’t want to think I’m going crazy because if they’re together then I’ll be done with the both of them,” Lisa says and her mother nods.
“Good baby. How’s work going?”
And that’s when the topic deviates from the two to work and she conceals any personal feelings she might have for her boss because she knows her father left her mom for another woman so she wouldn’t want to bring up such a touchy topic.
Ethan is home with his wives who’re complaining that he hasn’t been giving them attention since he started at MW.
“Don’t you guys get tired of complaining? You seem to forget we also have four kids and there’s only one me,” Ethan says.
“You should have thought of that before deciding to take another wife. If you were content with me, we wouldn’t even have four kids,” Amo says, throwing shade at her sister-wife.
“Take that back Amo,” Ethan orders but the woman only rolls her eyes and gets up, leaving him with Lexy.
“What’s going on Ethan? I’ve noticed how much you zone out. Is it work?” Lexy gently asks.
“I wish the two of you could get along how you did before Leigh-Anne. This animosity between you guys isn’t healthy and it’s not good for any of us.”
“You know that can never happen Ethan. Things would be fine if I didn’t love you and if I had stuck to dating girls,” Lexy says.
“I don’t like when you say that because it sounds like you regret loving me” Ethan replies, a little hurt at her statement.
“I don’t regret it because if we hadn’t happened, I would have never experienced motherhood. You’re the only man I’ve loved Ethan and the only one I ever want to love but I do wish that I was the only one,” Lexy says before kissing his lips and going into the house to get started with lunch.
Having been left alone, his thoughts drift to Lisa and he wonders what she’s up to. Is she with that boy they’d had a meeting with or lazing around in her apartment? He’s tempted to track down her location but he also doesn’t want to acknowledge the feelings he might be having for her or worse, scare her off. He also wants to call but fears he’d probably be disturbing her weekend. He looks forward to Monday and seeing her. He knows it’s wrong but he can’t help the feelings he’s developing for her and the longing to make her his. But damn he has two wives and she probably knows that. He’s not worried about her not feeling the same because he knows if he were to pursue her, he’d get her.
‘She’s a kid,’ another voice whispers in his hand but with her over twenty, it doesn’t bother him. He wishes things were different and that he’d met her ten years earlier because things would be so different.
“Damn it Monalisa,” he murmurs in frustration.

A/N : The story is unedited so I apologise for any errors you might have or will encounter. Please to drop a comment if you can, I'd love to read your thoughts. Thank you for the support so far, it's much appreciated.

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