A New Rumor

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Yashiro POV

It's been 3 days days since that day when Hanako saved me from those fish. I was considering joining them, but I didn't want to leave Hanako, not at all.

He could be really childish at times, and a little annoying, but I don't care. He is who he is and that's what's important,but I can't forget about the fact that I may or may not have feelings for him.

After school, as usual, I went to the girl's bathroom where Hanako was sitting on the windowsill. It was like he was waiting for me,, it made my heart flutter.

I quickly got my mop and walked up to him.

"Hi Hanako-kun!" I said happily. He turned his head to me and smiled.

"Hi Yashiro! Did you miss me?" He asked with a smug look on his face.

"I'm only here because I need to clean the bathroom." I joked. "I'm heartbroken.." He floated up off the window seal pouting.

I turned away from him and began to mop the floor smiling at his silliness. Hanako's arms wrapped around from behind me in a close hug.

"Don't tell me you're just going to leave right after you finish cleaning.." He whispered in my ear, resting his chin on my shoulder.

A light blush appeared on my face. His body was so cold against mine. "There might be an evil ghost lurking!" He said pulling away.

Kou-kun came bursting through the door right at that moment.

"Senpai! Is Hanako here?!" He wheezed. He looked as if he had just ran through the school. I pointed upwards to the ceiling where Hanako was floating above me.

"There's another rumor going around school again! Aoi went missing too!" He said. "Called it!" Hanako said cheerfully from above me.

"Do you think the ghost got her?!" I shouted. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her again, Ao-chan was my best friend and she has been for so long.

"What's the rumor Kou-kun??" I asked him impatiently.

"The rumor is that if you bounce the basketball thirteen times in the gym, an evil spirit will come and capture you!! The ghost will imprison you in it's own gym and force you to play any sport it wants you to play. Forever. If you stop, it will tear off your limbs and feed on them right in front of you as you bleed out!" He cringed.

I shivered, picturing it in my head. It was so gruesome. Kou-kun looked as freaked out as I was, but Hanako seemed unfazed.

Hanako stood next to me listening carefully. "Well we know what we need to do!" He smiled brightly.

"If Aoi was captured by that ghost... we need to save her!" I shouted holding up my fist. My legs were shaking, but I knew I needed to save my friend.

I was so scared, I've faced many ghosts, and I've survived all of them! But Ao-chan could've been in danger again.

How much I care about her is the reason why I could've gotten really hurt in wonder number three's boundary and even number two's.

Now that I think about it, she's the one who told me all the rumors, except for the hell of mirrors. That's another reason why I can't lose her. She helps a lot even when she doesn't know it!

Hanako POV

I wonder why I keep remembering her wanting to know about my past... Am I just not ready..? Yashiro's already proved that she wouldn't leave my side if she knew it, do what am I afraid of?

Her fear and determination to get to the gym and find Aoi, it reminds me of myself. I felt the same way when Yashiro disappeared into the mirror.

I haven't felt fear like that in a long time. The thought of losing her.. It left me with a terrible feeling. She told me she liked me as a friend, but I feel like I like her more than that. Is that wrong to love someone... living..?

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