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I turned to my side frantically once I woke up that early afternoon, seeing the opposite side of the bed made up perfectly, and absent.

I frowned to myself, letting out a strained yawn and sat up. Luke must have left early in morning, which was understandable as he had his own things to tend to, including the massive hangover I was almost positive was occurring.

"G'morning, you old geezer." Luke's accent was prominent for once as he barged through my door.

I jumped at the sudden disruption, looking over to see him carrying a green substance in his right hand, a peaceful Goomba cradled in his other.

My face instantly lit up at the pleasant surprise, internally relieved that he was still here, "What's with the Shrek piss?" I spoke groggily, screwing my fist into my sleepy eye.

Luke leaned against the door frame with a subtle smirk, "Ask your roommate, it cures a hangover in seconds, legend has it."

"I wouldn't drink it if I were you, there's probably battery acid in it." I advised as soon as his lips met the glass, his eyes growing wide.

"Piss off!" Willy's voice echoed throughout the house, Luke chuckling as he began to sip on the mystery drink, his face turning sour immediately.

I grinned mischievously as I peeled the sheets off of me, hoping to god that my appearance wasn't disheveled. I knew it wasn't that big of a deal because it was only Luke, but trying to meet his standards was impossible. The man was going through a hangover and still managed to glisten as if it was any other day.

"Not that I don't enjoy your presence or anything, but don't you have like, band stuff to do?" I cocked an eyebrow at him as I tried to nonchalantly look in the mirror.

"For your information, Vi, I have the day off. I was actually hoping I could spend it with you." Luke's voice went faint, clearing his throat.

I turned around to face him and he looked at me reluctantly, my eyes softening at how pure he was without even trying, "I'm actually booked until March of 2021, but I can get my people to talk to your people so they can let you know when I'm free." I offered, biting my lip.

Luke raised a challenging eyebrow, playing along, "I'm sure your people can manage one day without you."

"I don't know, Lukey," I sighed, tsking, "I'm a pretty popular lady if you couldn't tell." I cracked a smile, awaiting his next move.

Luke approached me slowly, leaning his forehead against mine. I peered up into his vibrant blue eyes, suddenly forgetting how to breathe. "I will do anything, Vi. I'm desperate here." He murmured, a pleading look on his face.

My lips curled into a smirk, a thought popping into my head, "Bleach your hair and I'm all yours."

Luke scoffed, extending his arm out so I could shake on it, "You've got yourself a deal, babe."


Luke was awkwardly crouched over my bathtub as I lathered purple toner into his freshly transparent hair, listening intently to his story about Michael's hair falling out after the four of them attempted to help bleach it.

Luke was a great storyteller, I've come to find out. He always spoke with a purpose and with passion, making sure to leave in every detail as if his life depended on it. His words flew out of his mouth effortlessly and it felt as if I was reliving the moments with him. He was one of those people that could talk to me for hours on end and I'd never grow tired of it.

"Holy shit, what was that?!" Luke panicked as he watched the purple liquid drip onto the bottom of the tub and swirling down the drain.

The past hour and a half with Luke has been interesting to say the least, he was an impossible client to tend to. It took him almost 30 minutes to grasp onto what would happen to his hair if he didn't stop squirming every 5 seconds, and even then he still managed to wriggle around.

I couldn't help but laugh at his distress, "Relax, it's just shampoo that takes away the brassiness," I assured him soothingly, tapping his chin to indicate that he could lift his head up. "It has to sit for 10 minutes before we can rinse it."

He rose from his spot, taking a look in the mirror and deadpanning at himself until he broke into hysterics, "I look like a fucking açaí bowl." His laughter turned into shrills, catching onto me.

Both of our eyes brimmed with tears at how ridiculous he looked, our bellowing laughs being the only thing apparent in the house.

Once we rinsed out the purple goop and I was halfway through blow drying his hair, I couldn't help but appreciate how much I enjoyed his company. Luke was so refreshing to be around, he made it known that whoever was in his presence was a priority to him, and did it with such ease that it was intimidating. He didn't have a bad bone in his body and every second I spent with him, the more my admiration grew.

"What do you think?" Luke snapped me out of my thoughts, a boastful smile playing on his face as he played around with his new head of hair.

My eyes scanned his face, my lips parting as if to speak, but nothing came out. Luke's features triggered a nerve in me that I couldn't even begin to describe, but now with the new color, he practically made me weak in the knees. I've never experienced such profound feelings for anything in my life, and it was all happening in a matter of seconds.

"I-It looks amazing." I squeaked out, my eyes not leaving his as he crossed over to me, leaning towards the side of my face, his breath fanning against my cheek.

His fingers grazed my upper back, making circular motions around my exposed shoulder blades, speaking into my ear lowly, "You have been making me feel crazy things, Vienna. I don't know why this is happening and it's confusing the hell out of me."

I shivered at the contact, not knowing if I was able to give a coherent response, "Are we talking about psychopathic things, because if we are I'm going to have to charge for your hair color." I tried joking, but it was obvious that I was wrapped around his finger the moment he touched me.

There was no denying my surge of feelings at this point, that would just be mentally draining and my head space was clouded enough.

"Not quite," He rasped, pushing a stray hair behind my ear and looking at me with dark eyes, "But let's not talk about it."

It was clear he didn't want to deal with his emotions in the first place and if I was going to be brutally honest, neither did I.



i'm sorry this chapter was kinda shit hahaha but i rlly wanted to make sure bleachy luke made an appearance bc hot damn

i want u all to know that i'm rlly rlly appreciating all the feedback ur giving me and thanku for making me feel so special!!! i'm so glad u guys are liking someday so far and i LOVE reading ur comments more than anything. keep it up pls leave a million if u want!!!!

ok bye i'm tired its 5:00 am

- hannie <3

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