Chapter Two: The Car

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The evening is filled with cocktails, socializing and all the things that generally make you feel completely out of your element. After the appropriate amount of photo taking, interviews and excited chatter regarding the movie, everyone is finally quiet to enjoy the short footage shown on the stage of The Troubadour. Just before the scenes begin, Taron takes the stage and gives a short speech, including reading a letter from Dexter, the film's director. He is joined onstage with his fellow co-stars, Bryce and Jamie, and you are little disappointed that Richard is not here, especially since he's been such a calming influence on you lately. You'll have to remember to text him later.

Seeing Taron's reaction to watching the clips for the first time on screen is thrilling, and it makes the uncomfortable feeling in your gut go away, for a little while anyway. You have to admit that you feel quite proud of him, and you're happy you get to share this moment with him, even in some small way. After the preview is over, it's more schmoozing and drinking with the cast, crew and various celebrities. Taron takes you around to some of them to mingle and chat, and you are in awe with how he interacts with everyone. So smooth and charming and at ease with everyone he talks to, whether he knows them or not. It's actually quite fascinating to watch, and you are more than a little envious of his out-going personality. After awhile, you leave him to circulate by himself, not wanting to tie him down to you and also just because you need a bit of a reprieve. You find yourself wandering outside to take in the night air and catch your breath. It's quiet out here which is extremely welcoming after being in the noisy cramped venue for so long. It still gets cold here in L.A. in the mornings and evenings, and while the cool air feels good on your bare shoulders and arms, after a few moments it begins to get quite chilly. You wrap your arms around yourself and stare up at the night sky, gazing at the stars that are scattered throughout the inky blackness.

You begin to wonder what is going to happen after tonight as a shiver goes through your body, and you're not sure if it's because of the cool night air or the fear of the unknown after tonight's events. You know that after this, Taron will need to go full force promoting Rocketman and you will return to your life here and your own work. It could be quite some time before you even see him again. Lost in your own thoughts, you jump slightly when you feel a pair of warm hands grasp your shoulders. Taron moves around to stand next to you and you smile up at him, happy that he took the time to come and find you.

"You found me", you say, and notice a tiny puff of warm air escape your lips.

"I did, I missed you", he says with that crooked grin of his. You feel another shiver go through you and it visibly shakes your body. "Oh God, I'm sorry", he says as he removes his sports jacket and slips it gently over your shoulders. You pull it by the lapels closer around your body. His warmth still lingers within the satiny fabric, and you discreetly inhale his musky scent that wafts up from the collar.

"Thank you", you say, sighing with the relief his jacket provides.

"Of course", he replies. "What are you doing out here all by yourself?"

"Just thinking", you reply a bit coyly.

"Hmm, good things I hope?" He says with a little grin.

"Mostly", you say with a smile to match his.

"Ok... Well, do you want to go back in and think inside? It's a little chilly..."

"No thanks, I'm good out here for awhile", you reply with a smile. "You're welcome to go back though, don't stay out here on my account," you say as you start to remove his jacket to give back to him, but he puts his hand out to stop you.

"No I'm fine. I'm kind of over all that noise now anyway," he says.

"Ok", you reply, not knowing what else to say. Taron looks around and rubs his hands together, then cups them to his mouth and blows into them.

The Make-Up Artist: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now